Dating Within your Faith: Challenges and Rewards

The pitfalls of dating in the modern world are many, and even the strongest individuals are sometimes caught in the snares of temptation. Even in the case of a person who's basically of good moral character, poor judgment is sometimes used and the reasoning that's applied to their error is flawed. For instance, people who do their best to live an upright life but fail in the area of chastity will often offer such justifications as, "I just couldn't help it, and I really love him/her." While this may be true, Christians must be able to overcome such obstacles through the power of prayer, regular Mass attendance and spiritual instruction. When a firm commitment is made to living a Christian lifestyle, you can expect to be tempted (and, often, greatly), but the tools that you have to defend yourself against such spiritual attacks are at hand and can fortify you during those times of your greatest trials. The rewards of your faithfulness to the Christian life are many. Remember that being Christian doesn't mean that you can't have any fun or experience any of life's pleasures. When you find that you're enjoying a happy experience, simply praise God and keep a humble perspective about where this goodness came from - especially if you've found a good Christian mate. Since chastity is called for within Christian dating, focus on the fact that your actions are pleasing to God when you obey the guidelines of the Church. If you truly have a Christian mate, they'll want to abide by these rules, too, and a wonderful life-long relationship can be formed, which will be blessed by God. The rewards that you experience will be both earthly and heavenly.