Life Pro Life Insurance Producer Articles

Brand Recognition and Brand Loyalty Kevin Nuber, LifePro's marketing specialist shares his views on the basics of marketing, brand recognition and why brand loyalty is so important in today's consumer world.

Basics of Marketing: The more successful a producer is at individual and business marketing the more successful he/she will become. History of Marketing: In marketing history that are 4 stages of the marketing evolution. Push Supply Demand Strategic In a Push marketing the companies or individuals relied on the simple fact that if they built 100,000 of a product, consumers would buy them. ,br> Soon, the general body of thought was integrated for the first time taking account for consumer needs and consumer behaviors. In Supply marketing companies relied on large production capacity and personal selling, integrating the first 'sales' man. In a short amount of time Demand became the standard of marketing where companies catered to the needs of the public and consumer needs dictated what products and services were to be produced thus creating a consumer driven marketing campaign. >From 1985 to the present companies and individuals recognized the need and potential for Strategic or Hyper Marketing. The basis of this kind of campaign is for the marketers to create new, markets thereby creating the needs and buying behaviors of the consumer. In a Life Insurance Producers World, where consumers are the general public, it is imperative to recognize the needs of your clients while also creating their needs by educating them on investments they may not have otherwise explored. This philosophy brings the: 5 Steps of Consumer Decision Making Need Recognition Recognizing the initial needs of your client and listening to the goals they want to achieve Information Search Both client and agent research the options Evaluation of Alternatives Both client and agent research and evaluate the alternatives Purchase Post Purchase Behavior Follow up to purchase and request for future needs creating the ideal result... Brand Loyalty and Life Long Clients *for every negative experience a consumer has they relay this negativity to at least 8 people The 4 P's of Marketing Product - know your product well and offer the best Place - know your demographic and the behaviors of your marketplace Promotion - market your brand as often and as effectively as possible Price - offer competitive prices or competitive services What is a Brand? A brand is a name, term, symbol, design, or combination thereof that identifies a seller's products and differentiates them from competitor's products. What is Brand Image? All the ideas and feeling associated with a brand. For example if you see Coca Cola's brand you immediately have certain feelings associated with it. Most individuals relay the same feelings of 'dependable, American staple, refreshing, etc'. In branding your company, whether it may have 1 employee or 1,000 employees, be conscious to design your brand around the concept of your company. Keep the perception of your brand and the reality of your brand as near to each other as possible or you will fail to achieve the 'brand loyalty' and obtain your clients for life. Use a Sale's Model All successful producers use and maintain their sales models. Pre-transactional, Transactional and Post-transactional Pre-transactional Prospecting Pre-Approach (do the history and know your clients and their needs before starting the sale) The approach Transactional Problem or Need Discovery Making the Presentation Negotiating Sales and Overcoming Resistance Closing the Sale Post-Transactional Continuous follow-up after the sale All producers have the opportunity to become lifetime advisors for their clients. Continue to approach consumers with a needs/solution based personal touch and utilize the coaching of other successful professionals to continue growing your business and profits. Contact Kevin Nuber today and get started working with LifePro. Let us help you grow your business!