"Killers are Free" campaign kicks off

1,500 huge posters located throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel declaring "The Killers are Free" is the latest move in a brilliant campaign being waged to bring Shimon Peres to justice for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. "The Killers are Free" "The Kempler video" "10 minutes" "There's a 4th person in the Cadillac" "ShimonPeres.net" all appear on the sign that Israeli David Rutstein is wearing in the poster which is considered "provocative" in Israel and even dangerous since opponents could accuse it of "incitement." In the United States it would simply be considered expressing a strong opinion. The huge Hebrew headline reads: "The Killers are Free" followed by "David Rutstein" and "Jewish Hero." The posters refer to Rutstein as a Jewish hero since one must be brave to go public with such controversial charges in Israel. Many feel that grabbing one international headline is enough to put Shimon Peres on trial by raising public awareness and increasing the outcry for justice. David Rutstein is joined in this unprecedented campaign for justice for Rabin by Israeli author Barry Chamish (who was one of the first whistleblowers to raise serious doubts about the official government version of the Rabin assassination) and Christian-Zionist American author David Ben-Ariel who believes the murder of Yitzhak Rabin is all part of the phased destruction of Israel leading to the ultimate occupation of Jerusalem by the German-Jesuit EU forces gaining momentum with the Vatican's recent salvos against Israeli sovereignty over the hotly disputed Jerusalem, especially its coveted Temple Mount, the crown jewel of the ages.