Why rebuild New Orleans?

WHY REBUILD NEW ORLEANS? On THIS WEEK WITH GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS Mr. Stephanopoulos noted a "cold shoulder from federal officials who made many promises" and that some congressmen are hearing from their districts "why should I be paying to rebuild New Orleans?" even the Hon. Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans noted, "New Orleans ...pushed to the background". Where does this question come from? It comes from the lack of information by the federal government, the State of Louisiana and the media who themselves are resisting efforts to tell the truth of the worth of the City of New Orleans. Why do they resist? Simply because the majority of the people who will be helped are poor and predominately black American. America is built on a class structure. Those in authority and the media relate to those who are already in a position of prominence and wealth and if you are not, and if you are not a part of the prevailing group: "forget you"! Case in point: I (jazzhu.com) produced, directed, wrote, photographed and edited the only Jazz Film in film history to cover the City of New Orleans named "New Orleans The Crescent", which covered the city and completely gets ride of any question as to the "necessity" (as if you needed any reasoning as to why to rebuild a city from Omaha, to New York City or to repairs made after the San Francisco and Los Angeles earthquakes of recent years) of rebuilding any American city. As this film exists for the entire WORLD to see, why does this question of rebuilding still persist? Simply, because despite our best effort to let America know that this one of a kind film exists, those in authority are whistling-past-the-grave yard called New Orleans trying to pretend that they did not hear us. Why? Because we are not a part of any partisan group, just a part of the American group. I personally contacted CNN's Lou Dobbs' staff to no avail; I sent a tape to a Senior Producer at ABC's Nightline, a Ms. Sarah Just (the tape was received by ABC on September 19, 2005), I have sent e-mails to every e-mail I could find for the City of New Orleans and have in times past I tried to contact the State of Louisiana about development in the state--ALL TO NO AVAIL. Why is this happening? The perception is politics as usual, that as ABC is owned by Disney Corp. and that CNN is owned by Time Warner and that those companies do not want a top film making headway and they did not produce it. AS for the city and state, it is just POLITICS AS USUAL! Why am I so strident, simply because when the first black baby, elderly person or any person died in the City of New Orleans due to negligence: ALL BETS ARE OFF! To quote MLK "Now is the Time! The federal government, the State of Louisiana and the media, now controlled by big business, are playing with fire and the lives of Louisiana residence. Delaying immediate, smart, articulate, inventive and decent action regarding New Orleans IS NOT AN OPTION. Some hope not to spend billions of dollars on a people--who if the governments of America had spent a percentage of those monies on such people years ago and the media had stuck on the governments of America to do so--would not have died and we would not even ask the question as to why rebuild. As for now, NEW ORLEANS THE CRESCENT (the movie) answers the question WHY REBUILD NEW ORLEANS--now MOVE America! By: HUMAN UTILITIES WHOLE ARMOUR