To Homestead Or Not To Homestead

"To Homestead or Not To Homestead?" That is the Question Considering buying a house? Here's a word of forewarning. Expect that once your house is in your name to be pestered about "homesteading." Homesteading, in this instance, is not that of the late 1800s, where the government gives you so many acres on which you live and till. Here, in the 21st Century, the concept has changed slightly. These days it's a legal term for protecting a portion of your home's equity from lawsuits. The companies offering you this benefit may charge you any where from $50 to $100. A firm may approach you and offer, on your behalf, to file any appropriate documents with the courts to shield your home from this legal action. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? But for the most part it's unnecessary to have a third party file for you. The documents are easy enough that you can file them yourself if you live in a state that requires it. In some states this is completely unnecessary. If you are considering buying a house, you need to arm yourself with the wisdom and advice found in before you buy. This free site contains a wealth of information on all aspects of real estate as well as mortgage calculators and other essential knowledge to make an intelligent purchase. And most importantly it contains daily news feeds that are at your fingertips about the world of real estate. It's like having the power of several business journals at your fingertips. If you find yourself lost in the jargon of realtors or mortgage brokers, you need to consult There are few other purchases in life that are as large and as important as buying your home - in many instances this is a 30-year commitment! Don't jump into any contract without first visiting this vital website. is an invaluable tool that can help you save thousands of dollars! It can help you save time and save money! Don't forget to bookmark this site today! Jeff Little