Your Marketing Arsenal Must Include RSS

When most webmasters think of marketing, they would no doubt list writing articles, placing ads in various ezines and newsletters, optimizing their webpage for higher rankings on the search engines, viral techniques and of course, any free ads that work. But one of the most effective and misunderstood avenues of successful marketing would involve a type of delivery channel that does just that... delivers content to targeted audiences. That delivery channel is called RSS. Let's take closer look at a general overview of using RSS in your marketing and proven tips and shortcuts that will have your website successfully using RSS in a snap. First... RSS content is delivered through RSS Feeds. What type of content? Articles, stories, press releases, announcements, updated info, company details, products and marketing. But in order for your audience to view this content via RSS Feeds, they will need to download a special program called an RSS aggregator. Some are available at no charge while others have a subscription fee. Most will ask, what is an RSS aggregator? It is an application that will allow and end user to subscribe to RSS Feeds thus allowing them to read and view your new content. And yes, you can still use e-mail to deliver your news and updated content. E-mail is not going away as a few writers have predicted. In fact, you really can compare RSS to e-mail since they both have their own characteristics, opportunities and communication differences. Our point of discussion today is that RSS is growing at an alarming rate. So much so that business owners need to take a closer look at how to use this to help make your web business more competitive and ultimately to make more sales. One can also enjoy getting possible higher search engine rankings due to new content being updated thanks to RSS technology. But remember that there is no overnight solution to accomplishing getting better rankings or more customers. But using these innovative tools and make marketing and growing your business much more profitable and convenient to run. Here's some helpful sites for additional help: Now it's up to you to take a closer look at how RSS can literally change the face of your business in a good way and then take an active start to include RSS as part of your overall marketing arsenal.