The Power of our Thoughts

Spiritual currents, from the oldest to the newest, all agree that affirmations or mantras are, perhaps, the best ways for a person to keep the mind busy doing something that is good and positive. We have thoughts that come and go at the speed of light. Each day we have thousands of them speeding by, in and out, around and around, like a car race. When we pay attention to them we realize that, sometimes, we have great arguments with people; sometimes we criticize ourselves. Most of the times, though, we think about our lack of everything: time, money, health, wisdom, fun, happiness, talent, intelligence. In any case, our thoughts are mostly negative in nature. This is natural, for we have been ingrained with them for hundreds, even thousands of years and we, unconsciously maintain an egotistical perception that life is not the good thing it is supposed to be. We have come to believe that our few moments of true bliss are just specs in a dark and cloudy life. If you are as old as I am, you may remember the Hare Krishna folks, whom we would meet everywhere, with a smile on their faces and flowers in their hands. They were always singing and doing mantras, and, at that time, we thought they were really silly; idiotic, even. Even though we knew they acted that way to prevent negative thoughts to enter their minds, we still questioned the stupidity of the action, branding them as brainwashed. Nowadays, knowing that the mind is so powerful that it brings forth to our lives that which we think about, we need to reconsider our previous judgments about those flower people. We now know, or perhaps I should say, we are aware that what we think about happens to us. We know that we bring upon us diseases, discomfort, lack, hate, and other negative states. All the time. Just let your mind wander and you will know what I mean. Mike Dooley, from Inspiration Peak, says: "What does a thought look like? Just look around you, right now... to see yours." This is absolutely true. Thoughts are concrete. We send them to the universe as energy and get them back in brick and mortar format. If you haven't watched the movie "What the %$#&^ Do We Know?" more commonly know as: "What the Bleep Do We Know?" I recommend you rent it out as soon as possible. It will change your perception of life. This whole position that what we send out is what we get is explained in the movie not only from a spiritual point of view, but also from a scientific one. This is important for we still have many people who only believe in the "concrete," materialistic aspects of life. This movie will convince anyone of this absolute truth. So, based on this, what do we chose to do? Think positive or think negative thoughts? The answer is obvious! But how can we do this, when we know that our thoughts have a mind of their own? By doing exactly what others have done before us (and many times were ridiculed by us): repeating mantras or affirmations. I have many affirmations to share. In my next article, I will give you some of them, which will be very useful on our day-to-day living. Until then, guard your thoughts. Become aware of them. And, every time you catch yourself on a negative frame of mind, say to yourself: "Oops! Let's start again..." And immediately think a happy thought.