Universal Brotherhood

Universal Brotherhood is a wonderful ideal, a marvelous concept. Yet, how little is it understood, and how often misapplied. The concept of brotherhood involves tolerance; but, tolerance is neither acceptance nor rejection; it is just a camouflage of conflict which results from the opposition between the 'I' and 'You'. In the tolerance of brotherhood one believes in many facets of the truth, but one does not know what truth is. Then the idea of brotherhood is an invention of the mind which seeks the firm establishment of 'self through the united strength of others.

As long as the idea of brotherhood is a means to bring and keep together in faith and discipline what is essentially divided, it is a mere camouflage for hypocrisy, an escape from fear and doubt, a cover for exploitation and opposition. Then, as soon as brotherhood does not serve the common interest in business or in politics, the individual resistance will break through in hate and cruelty.

And so, the concept of brotherhood is made use of for private ends; and that in itself already is the seed for conflict. Brotherhood as an institution to bring individuals together in striving for a common goal cannot bring about the change of heart and mind without which all striving is for self-interest and security, even when 'the other' is the moans thereto.

If this is truly understood, then there is no need for tolerance, because in love which is not possessiveness, there is no opposition. Without personal attachment there is freedom of understanding of need; and such understanding does not require a united brotherhood in tolerance, nor a united organization for political or religious ends. Only when there is opposition and hate and conflict, the idea of brotherhood arises.

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