Yoga is for Everyone!

A Brief History of Yoga~~ It is believed that the origins of yoga began around 2500 - 3000 BC. Yoga was first mentioned in a collection of scriptures called the Vedas. However in the scriptures that later came as a part of the Vedas, the main foundation of yoga teaching became known. A classical text on Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which describes various asanas and breathing exercises which form the basis of modern yoga today.The backbone of Raja Yoga is known to be Patanjali, believed to be the father of yoga, and his Yoga Sutras.He lived around the years of 500 - 800 BC. His written works known as the Yoga Sutras are ways of overcoming the afflictions of the body and the fluctuations of the mind. Yoga appears to be one of the oldest continuous disciplines studying voluntary physical and mental control and the induction of altered states of consciousness. Of course, the physical and mental accomplishments are attributed to the practice of yoga as well. Yoga in the Western world is somewhat ambivalent. Some instructors base their lessons on authentic oral traditions passed down through many generations of teachers although some are just pitched to meet modern needs and expectations but still are consistent with the ancient art, science, and philosophy of yoga. Yet still others have developed some form of wacky yoga that traditionalist view with suspicion. *Be well informed and ask questions when you are seeking a yoga instructor for your needs.