Inner Peace

I would like to show you that worry and stress does affect your life, and by being able to understand how to eliminate these areas will allow you to find inner peace. There are innumerable sources of stress and worry in life and these areas can not be controlled, however what we can control is our reaction to these areas. Unfortunately, we probably spend more time worrying or being stressed out then we should. As human beings we need to be able to gain insight and have an understanding on how to control these events. Let me try to explain. I will use the term money, as this is one area we can all respond to. Money is a tool of life, it is a means to an end, without this tool you can still be happy, this is all part of your inner state and is free and no money in the world can buy it. Worry is not merely a habit that is negative, unpleasant and does not change. It will not bring you those things in life you really need or desire. Money does not always bring happiness, money is neither good or bad it is what you do with it that creates its value. We worry about success and failure yet we cannot really define the concept. Ask yourselves these questions. Is a poor person who is happy and has a wonderful, loving relationship a failure? Is a rich person who has a terrible relationship and no love in life a success? Our culture defines success and failure for us, and the definitions have been deficient. So what is the point of worrying about success? You possibly already worry too much about what others think, what their opinions are, what their judgement is and why they criticize you. Their opinions are based on the same cultural valves as those measuring money and defining success. Therefore, the truth is we often worry about nothing. The ironic thing is that when we observe from a more detached perspective, this form of stress becomes an illusion. It is not real; you create it yourself and deep down you know this. The path to inner peace usually begins with a strong need to change things in your life. This need can be frustrating because most of the time you are unsure how to achieve this change. You can transform your life but first you need to transform yourself. This cannot be accomplished by merely reading or thinking about inner peace. First, you need to identify the areas of your live where you feel you have no inner peace. This can be in your health, your career, your relationship, your family, your finances and most importantly yourself. You need to respond compassionately. If these areas have brought you pain, bring compassion in for yourself, this is part of the healing process. This means you need to accept your feelings, even negative ones, acknowledging how you feel right now. By denying your feelings only divides you from yourself. Emotion and honesty brings greater insight. You need to focus on your feelings. So many of us get so busy, that we loss touch with our true feelings. You are allowing your heart and mind to go off in different directions this causes a build up of tremendous internal stress and worry that undermines your inner peace. Take a moment to ask yourself "when am I not at peace" now focus on that area. Whatever situations or feelings arise, acknowledge them. Whatever you are feeling, whether it is pain, frustration, exhaustion, anger or disappointment. Breathe into your feelings and slowly surround yourself with the warm, healing light of love. Silently say to your self "I love and accept myself right now". After acknowledging what areas you are not at peace, gently shift your attention to what peace feels like. The simplest way is to breathe out tension and breathe in peace. Start to relax, take a deep breath, and say to yourself as you breathe in "breathe in Peace". Remember the last time you felt a deep sense of peace and oneness, let this feeling flow through your body. Now breathe out any fear, confusion or whatever is troubling you. Once you feel relaxed affirm "I choose to live with inner peace". Your conscious choice opens up new possibilities giving you a happy and peaceful life. As you draw upon the infinite source of inner peace new insight will come to you, perhaps now, perhaps later, but know that with these simple steps you have already begun a powerful process of renewal. You need to start acceptance yourself. Many of us are not at peace because at some deep level we do not accept who we are. This could be to do with the way we are always trying to fit into someone else's expectations. By doing this, we are going against the grain defying our own inner peace. In the natural world everything is and does have a value, everything has a place only human beings suffer from low self-esteem. For example, take a rose, a daisy, a lark, a squirrel each manifests its potential differently, yet beautifully. Each form has its own expression; each flower has its own fragrance and each bird has its own song. Do you feel inferior because you do not fit a stereotype? Greater peace comes when you embrace you own special uniqueness. Ask yourself these questions? What makes you different from others? What is your special contribution to your life here? What is your special gift? Do you express yourself? Are you happy taking a quit walk by yourself or joining a bustling crowd? Are you a practical person? Are you proud of your home? Are you musical or a good cook? Personal balance can bring inner peace into your life and you will have a talent that makes you unique. Each day you meet your physical needs. This is achieved by eating, and sleeping at regular intervals. If you neglect your body, it becomes unbalanced and breaks down. You can place balance by regular meditation. There is a large chapter on meditation in my book. Another way is by quite walks, reading, listening or playing music or working in the garden, all these help to nourish your body. Inner peace takes you away from the noisy busy world, returning you to the centre of peace. Remember you are who you are. Make the best of it, envy no one for what they have. You should be true to yourself. One does not reach inner peace in one leap, so as long as you sincerely resist your lower impulses you will reach your inner peace, and you will be able to achieve whatever you want in life. You were born with inner peace but as you grow you loose touch somewhere along the way. You can get it back once you decide to heal yourself inside and change how you perceive life.