Living Nightmares of Abuse ~Blog~

Phyllis Benton conveys shame and guilt from years of abuse. Twelve-year old Phyllis suffers molestation due to her mother's promiscuous behavior. After her parents separate, and the state places her and her seven siblings in foster care, Phyllis endures verbal and physical abuse that continues during her marriage that ends in divorce. Stalked by her former husband and feeling trapped, depression leads to feelings of inadequacy, and a close brush with self-destruction. The cycle repeats when the marriage to her second husband degrades to another abusive situation. After suffering years of abuse, her husband dies from an illness. Phyllis, alone but recovering from the abuse, meets a mysterious stranger. She weights his intensions, but admits his tender approach helps her cope with past traumas and the associated anxieties and depression. Through sincere friendship that peels away fear and uncertainty, she begins to trust again and accepts the new love in her life. Living Night mares of Abuse by Phyllis Benton, when released it will be available at PublishAmerica, at a special pre-release discount price. Also available at any on line books, such as, B&, using my ISBN number 1-4137-9156-5. For more information about my book or about the author, please visit my websites at or Abuse,emotional,physical, sexual,suicide,alcohol addition, non-fiction, author biograpy,