Full-Review: Article Post Robot

Full-Review: Article Post Robot How would you like to be able to submit your article which you have just written to over one hundred submission sites at the same time? I'm not talking just any submission sites either, I'm talking the ones that you personally have selected. The ones that you have determined that in your opinion are the very best ones on the Internet for your particular product. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Well with the Article Post Robot you can actually do that. No, this isn't just a sales promotion, this is the *naked* truth. HINT: this same article was published using the tool I am going to review now... Article Post Robot is by far one of the best internet marketing tools on the internet and can, in my opinion and based on my testing, both save you time and make you money at the same time. You will write your article, complete with contact information and your websites url, which will enable readers to further follow up on what they have just read. Ordinarily it would take you a week or more to post this article on an appreciable number, that is over one hundred, various sites, however, with article post robot, you click once and your article is immediately posted to all of the sites which you personally have chosen and you are ready to begin another article which will in turn be sent off to do still more advertising for your website and the item which you are marketing. Sound too good to be true? Yes, it certainly does but the beauty of it is that it's not too good to be true, it's very much real and hundreds of online marketers and sales representatives are already taking advantage of it. It is a totally automated solution to posting your articles to hundreds of free article submission sites and e-group lists (Yagoo, Google, etc.) There are other automatic posting systems out there claiming to do the same thing, and to the best of my knowledge, it's true that they do, however not as easily or as quickly. Article Post Robot literally does exactly what it claims to do. Here's how it works: First you fill in all of the article information, following that you fill in all of the author information, then you choose all of the article sites to which you want to post. When this is done you simply press one key and it is done. That's not one key for each site as is required for some other automatic posting systems, but one key total for all of them and they are off to be posted while you are free to begin to work on your next project. With Auto Post Robot, you receive not only instant posting, but on those sites which require additional information, Auto Post Robot will only submit your password and login ID, leaving you free to choose the profile which you would best like to use, showing your contact information and anything else which you deem pertinent for this particular article. Users of Article Post Robot will also receive all of the latest notification of all of the software updates, so that they can always be completely updated with the latest versions. The development team is constantly adding new sites to it's collection all the time so that the users have a constantly growing selection all the time. They also have a full time technical support person to help you to deal with any problems that may arise. Through the use of Article Post Robot, your website is also automatically liked to hundreds and then thousands of other websites, thereby increasing your ranking with the search engines. People pay top dollar and do a substantial amount of advertising for the rating which you can achieve simply by using Article Post Robot. This doesn't mean that all of this will happen to you without any effort on your part. You do have to write the articles, you do have to research the various sites to see which ones you want to program into Article Post Robot, which ones will be the most advantageous for you, This will mean research on your part to make the choices that will be the best choices for you. But these are all things that you would have had to do without the Article Post Robot, then you would have had to spend time posting the articles on each chosen site individually. Now it is all done for you at the click of one button.