Get Rich Quick - Not!

By Linda S. Stevens You see it everywhere on the internet. Make Money While You Sleep. Do The 15-Second Commute. Buy My Program, Click Here and Click There, You're In The Money! Don't quit your day job just yet. There's so much more to it than it first appears. Think about it. If it were that easy, wouldn't absolutely everyone be doing it? Imagine for a moment what the world would be like if they were - whew - back to reality. The reality is it comes down to choices. Life is all about the choices we make. Stop blaming someone else or circumstances for where you are in life. You are where you are because of the choices you have made. However, you CAN make the choice to make a change. It's time to take control of your life - grab the steerling wheel and get on the right road to change your life today. Get ready to shift it into high gear. Making the choice to create change in your life is the first big step. It's a HUGE step. Realizing you want more out of life and taking action are two different things. Action is what is required. If you don't do it, it ain't gonna happen! Period. No one is going to come knocking on your door asking you if you need help to build a business and a new lifestyle for yourself. Don't let fear keep you from having an abundant life. You can have what you want with determination and dedication. You'll probably even make a few mistakes along the way. I like to refer to those little boo-boo's as experience. Focus on your passion and make that the focus of your pathway to freedom. I'm sure you've heard that before. Some folks say their passion doesn't make sense in a business world. You'd be surprised at some people who have taken their love of whatever and turned it into a great income generator. You may even surprise yourself. There are thousands of websites out there touting their wares. Quite a number of them are chock full of good, quality information. You do need to be cautious. Don't believe for a minute that just because you've bought someone's program that you'll retire early. Research, testing and tracking results are very important in this cyberworld. If you're still in the 'thinking about it' stage, find sites that interest you, sign up for their free newsletter (which most of them have nowadays). Figure out what they're doing. Download free ebooks on whatever subject you're interested in. Remember working at home is work. In the beginning it may require more time than you ever thought it would or could. You will probably discover you're working harder (for yourself) than you do/did for your employer. That's the way it should be. Keep your dream alive, be diligent and it can become your reality. Make the choice to make the change.