How to Market Your Own Product And Earn Massive Affiliate Commissions

Are you at a loss for creative ways to earn steady affiliate commissions? If so, then let me show you a quick and easy way to earn more money promoting affiliate programs while also creating additional revenue streams on an ongoing basis. If you've been involved with online marketing for any length of time, then you've probably accumulated a decent amount of knowledge about your particular niche(s). If this is the case, then you may have enough knowledge to put together a 15-30 page special report and sell it for anywhere in the $5-10 range. Or, you may have enough knowledge to write a 100-page ebook on one or more subjects. But for this example we'll focus on informative but easy-to-write ebooks that are equally easy to sell. Suppose you have some expertise with e-mail marketing. Why not put together a short report that helps marketers earn $25,000 a year using only e-mail marketing? This strategy could be applied to online dating advice, house-breaking a pet, or anything else you have expertise in. Then simply embed your affiliate links in the report(s) and earn even more money on the back end! What's better, ten of one hundred people buying a $10 report or one of one hundred buying a $50 report? Add in your affiliate commissions and you stand to be very profitable! Also, don't forget to capture every customer's e-mail address before allowing them to download their product. By doing this, you'll be able to earn even more back end profits! And, you can also start your own affiliate program through Clickbank to create a sales force to do most of the work for you! Want to increase your affiliate commissions even more? Then simply write two or three different five to ten page special reports to throw in as free bonuses. Neatly integrate your affiliate links into these special reports as well, and offer your customer free giveaway rights. Make sure your website address is on every page of these free reports, as well as the report you're selling. On the last page of each of the free reports, give the reader an incentive to visit your website. This way, whenever the free reports are given away, you'll be able to capture more and more e-mail addresses! Use this simple strategy to grow your mailing list as well as increase your affiliate commissions. Put together quality products and earn the trust of your customers, and you'll soon be on your way to creating an affiliate marketing empire!