The Right Way to Join Affiliate Programs & Why

Why would webmasters want to join an affiliate program? The first idea is for money. Many affiliate programs offer a percentage of the profits (rather a commission) for each sale or lead generated. Other reasons webmasters join these programs is to offer their userbase more quality products and options to improve their life or business. Even if you run the best website or have the best content, there are many other quality products you could offer your users. But which of the affiliate programs are good? I have tested many of them on hundreds of websites. The answer? They are all good! But it depends on a few factors. The first is how much or how invasive you wish to make advertising on your website. I could load up a website with many banners, ads and popups. Do you think the user will return? Most likely not. Do you think they will recommend the site to their friend? No. So you have to take a combination of what you want and what the average user will accept. Besides this, the worst thing you can do is offer too many choices. Think about it. Say you were a user going to your site looking for information. Now look at what you have going on at your website. Popups? Banners? Flashing banners? Music? Exit Popups? Active X?? Would you like to visit your own site as a user? See what I am getting at. Most webmasters have one big mistake. I suffered from this for years. Webmasters think like webmasters, not users. My golden rule as a Webmaster is: I must think like a user. Underline that and say it aloud. Once you understand what users want, focus on applying to several affiliate programs. Azoogleads is an affiliate program offering hundreds of different kinds of offers. The key I have found is to really sit and thin k before you put any ad on your site. Say the golden rule: I must think like a user. What do users want to see? Users are looking for information and especially fresh information. So are search engines (covered in another article). Give them their content but while they are at it.. why not show them a few other complimentary items/ads/offers. Do not make it overwhelming. Make is simple. One banner. One text ad. If you cannot stick to one ad, then please use a banner/ad rotator! I use these on my sites very effectively. Another company is . Many top level companies advertise through so the offers are lucrative and quality. Google has one of the best ad systems on the Internet today. It is called AdSense and it is very simple to use but very well designed. Adsense uses Google technology to show highly relevant ads on your site to your users. This is very important as you do not want dog biscuit ads shown on your lawnmower website. The targeted Adsense ads will allow you to see ads (almost always) specific to your site. The code you place on your webpage reads what is on your page and shows the most relevant ads possible. It is truly a great system and profitable too! Some of the better affiliate programs I have used can be found on