To Be or Not To Be, That is the Domain Question

Adaptation by Mike Banks Valentine with apologies to Shakespear To be, or not to be: that is Domain question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of slow, free servers, Or to take arms against a sea of wannabees, And by opposing, end them. To search: to seek; No more; and, by anonymity to say we end The heartache of a million useless search results That eBiz is heir to, 'tis a relevancy Devoutly to be earn'd. To look; to seek; To find? perchance to link! Ay, there's the URL; For in search fatigue domain names may come, When we've shuffl'd off this long URL, Must give us pause. There's the address That takes gigabytes for so long a name. For who would bear the tilde and subdirectory, The competitor's URL, the name so catchy The pangs of taken domains, the listing delay, The insolence of Yahoo, and the spurns That patient merit of unworthy geocities, When he himself might his IPO make Without Domain name? Who would Google bear, To grunt through subdirectories and filenames, But the dread of something after backslash, The undiscovered Business from whose URL No surfer returns, puzzles the will And make us rather bear those URLs we have Than buy the others that are already taken? Thus creativity does make cowards of us all; And thus rush'd to registration of a name We worry o'er lowly cost of reserving, And enterprises of great riches and power With this regard our clients turn away, And lose the name of!