Working from home secrets

Working at home is an accomplish I am sure most of would love to achieve. Whether it be running your own business or simply working for another company. The information on the internet is extremely saturated when it comes to "business opportunities" or so called work from home "stuffing envelopes". I would love to share my experience in my daunting search for a work from home solution. For starters do not be taken in by anything that says "I made millions of dollars and you can too" remember the old saying if it sounds to good to be true, it is. Also stay away, or at least do your home work on anybody that says you can make money "stuffing envelopes" hello! I have spent many months not to mention hundreds of dollars to only find that it is all BS. However in my endeavor a friend told my about a web site that was presented by a company who's main business was investigating the legitimacy of other business. In there research of home based jobs, and businesses they found roughly around 140 - 160 companies that will either pay you to do work from home or set you up with some type of home based businesses. Know of course any company willing to set you up with your own home based business is not going to do it for free, so just a heads up. Now on the other hand all the companies that will pay you to do work from home like: sewing, assembly, data entry and other such duties does not require any money from you. I have chosen to post this articles and article like it to make the public aware there is something out there that is real and possible. I am currently working for two different companies. I make little wood boxes for one company and make an average of $600 per week and I do data entry for another company and I make an average of $300 per week. So my total monthly income has been on average around $4200 per mth and I am extremely happy. I want to wish anybody and everybody searching for financial independence the best of luck. You can find the book at