How One Product Made Me Into a Millionaire: The 4th Thing I Learned You Must Have in a Successful Ho

When I was working at a gas station in Chandler, Arizona, fixing windshields for a living, making only $30,000 a year, I had all the drive in the world to succeed. You see, I was in a franchise. I thought that since I had entered into a business of my own and if I worked it hard enough, I would have success. Man, I was dead wrong. What I learned is that I could have all the drive and determination in the world, but unless I was behind a timeless, constant and steady product, it would be impossible to succeed. What I am talking about, is an Evergreen product. When I was introduced to the business I am currently in, I quickly learned the power of an evergreen product. An evergreen product is something that is going to be around for a longtime. Everyone has to be able to use it. It must be a product in high demand consistently. Health and Beauty sectors produce evergreen products. But, take cosmetics for example