Ajaxgear Toolkit

AjaxGear is a toolkit that allows you to take advantage of the client-side technique known as AJAX. AJAX is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It uses the XMLHttpRequest object to allow a Web browser to make asynchronous call to the Web server without the need to refresh the whole page. AjaxGear powers this website and has been tested and compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher and Mozilla Firefox 1.5. As AjaxGear evolves, new features will be demonstrated on this site. As such, the fastest way to learn how to use AjaxGear in your web application is to download the source files of this website and see how AjaxGear is used. Components under development Three components are currently being developed as part of AjaxGear toolkit namely progress bar, auto complete and form validator. Progress bar allows us to view in real time the status of the request sent to the server. Auto complete allows us to efficiently navigate a dataset on a server. Form validator allows us to validate user entry in real-time. Client-side form validation has been a feature of ASP.NET. However, I am developing a component that we could use on any server-side technologies including ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, Pearl, and CGI. The functionalities of these components will soon be demostrated in the Contact section of this site.