Make Money At Home -

Make Money At Home By Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.

All across the Internet can be heard... The tooting of the marketing bird... Make money at home... Is his hue and cry... While we hang the others out to dry, You can succeed; we will show you how... That is my Guarantee... My solemn vow... Just get in quick... Forget the rest... This business is the very best... Make money on the Inter-net... Take care of your family and your pet... You will make millions within a week... Hear me now... no lies I speak... Make money online... No better way... To make money, night and day... Just think about all those vacations... Visiting strange tribes and nations... No more working 9 till 5... Like a Bee stuck in a hive... The Internet is the easy way... To earn more money, every day. (C)- Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. - 2005 - All Rights Reserved