MLM Success- The MLM Quitters' Graveyeard of Dreams

Leadership in Network Marketing requires sometimes to look at things in ways that others don't, to see things in ways others never will, and to think in ways others don't dare. This artice is a hard hitting article because it tells the truth about quitting in MLM and Life. It is a different approach to quitting and tells of a different way of thinking about quitting on your dreams. It will make you think. It's called "Leading Edge Thinking" by some folks. And there is something that we at PassionFire call the "MLM Quitter's Graveyard of Dreams" which says it all. It reads what the "Networking Dead" would want to say to their MLM Company and their Upline, but doesn't dare. It reads what the "Walking Corpse of Failure" in MLM would want to say to the people that go after them in most cases, but don't dare. Why? Inferno Secret: Others have succeeded, BIG! HUGE! But not them. This Tombstone in this Graveyard of Dreams was written hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, with the Letters engraved by the Pen of Inactivity, Ink of Self Doubt, the Hand of Procrastination, and the Letters of Deception. What does this Network Marketing Tombstone say? Why would we learn from it? How can we change ourselves before it's too late? You decide. Imagine, it's foggy, and raining, and you are walking in the Graveyard of Dreams, and you find this tombstone suddenly. It is old, and chipped, and cracked. You just stare at it for a minute, and then kneel down. You wipe the mud off of the marble stone, and look at it. It reads: Here lay a deceased Network Marketer's Dreams. Full of cancer of "Group Think" and "They know what they are talking about-itis." The words penned but never uttered are written on this tombstone for all to see, and be advised this was not death by Natural Causes, but by Natural Excuses. Excuses taught to them by the Poisoned Anthrax of the Mediocrity crowd. All have regrets for listening to the Death Toll of the average: I wished I would've Talked to more people Sad, but true. The ring of the death bell of MLM constantly cries out for that, because they realize too late that NUMBERS were part of the Success Formula. They were too focused on being BUSY, and not Building a Business. They were too focused on begging People, not Building them. They were too focused on Hanging on to the ones that were leading them on, not the ones who could lead them into Success