MLM Leads- The 5 Traits of a Great MLM Lead

There are certain traits that you look for in a good MLM lead. After working a TON of leads, and blessed to having built an organization worldwide, I have found that all good MLM Lead have 5 traits in common, with no exception. These traits you look for, and if you find that a lead has at least 3 of them you have a great possibility for your business. And MLM Leads can also end up being one of the best revenue sources for you, but first, find these traits. If you do, you will strike GOLD. These traits are common sense in many respects, but many times are rare to find. 1)A GREAT Personality. One of the KEY traits that we have found is an infectious personality. A personality that truly shines and glows. You can feel their warmth over the telephone, and sincerity. They have the type of personality that you simply want to be around, and talk to. You know the type. For whatever reason, you ENJOY the conversation with them, and they are always positive, and optimistic. They have a tendency to make you glad that you talked to them, and you are drawn towards them. This type of MLM Lead can be a gold mine, as they usually hang out with people of the same personality, and same outlook on life. They rarely are down, and when you call them they always seem glad you called. 2)High Energy. Another KEY trait to look for is High Energy. But let me be clear: High Energy is NOT hype. There are many folks out there that you will call that will try to HYPE you into believing you have found the GOLD MINE you have been looking for, and will tell you all about how great they are. High Energy people don