Let Go and Soar!

Would you like to come to know God better to the point that you can trust Him fully - like a small child being tossed high up in the air by his daddy, fully trusting that he will be caught safely in his loving arms? When you think of the majestic eagle, what comes to mind first? Don't you picture it with its wings outstretched soaring high above creation? Can you imagine living high up where the clouds begin with virtually no predator to endanger your existence? You hibernate at set intervals, during which you shed your old, and acquire new cells; and dominate the sky with your arms outstretched as if in pure praise. Do you know that is exactly what our heavenly father expects us to do and what His will is for our lives? Yes, and He has equipped us that way. Only we tend to envision ourselves as chickens, bound to the ground, unable to fly - let alone soar. This is what the Word of God has to say: "He gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increases strength. ...But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (psalm 40: 28-31) If you have ever flown in a glider plane, you know what an exhilarating experience that is! No noise; no motor. You're lifted up by another power source; you cannot get up on your own. But, once aloft, you steer along with the updrafts. If you go counter to the drafts, well guess what? You go down very quickly. But, as you learn to "feel" those drafts and maneuver in sync with them, it's like "whoopee"! Quiet, peaceful and in harmony with your surroundings, there is no effort on your part to do anything but "go with the flow." That's what the eagle does. It allows itself to be lifted up by the prevailing wind currents. It does not try and go counter to it, or force its own will upon it. It instinctively knows how to let go - and enjoy. Could that be our problem? The human mind has the tendency to "let me do it." We have been so conditioned not to rely on others that we've become solely reliant on ourselves. But, there is a Source we CAN rely on. And, that is the secret to soaring. Once we get to know who God is, how much He wants to walk with us, talk with us and guide us in every circumstance in our lives, then, and only then will we be willing and able to let go and be held aloft by His everlasting arms. The Book of Deuteronomy 33: 27 declares: "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Although it took a while, I learned to hang onto Him. At first it felt like I was barely hanging on by my fingernails, but then slowly but surely faith start building up in me until it exploded into a full-blown trust in Him and total victory in my life. How would you like to soar as an eagle, held up high by no effort of your own, feeling loved, guided, held tightly and flooded with peace? Come and join me up here. It's wonderful to let go and let God!