The creation of the Bulgarian state in 681 year

Bulgaria is one of the eldest medieval countries in Europe. It has come on the international political stage as a consequence of events, taken place during 7th Century on the Balkan Peninsula, which have determined its historical fate for centuries upfront. The location of the Slovans at the beginning of the century has struck down the slave-owner system and political power of the great Byzantium Empire. This leads to some crucial changes regarding the ethnicity on the Balkans. The location of the proto-Bulgarians takes place during the second half of the century. They gain they right to become permanent inhabitants of these lands by main force. The most important event on the Balkan Peninsula is the formation of Bulgaria during the second half of the 7th Century, created as an union between proto-Bulgarians and Slovans. The biggest influence in proto-Bulgarian history has the movement of proto-Bulgarian tribes "unogonduri" in the 70`s of the VII-th century. They had been ruled by the great khan Asparuh. During the war with the hazarian invaders, Asparuh`s bulgarians were forced to withdraw to the west-to the danubian outfall. They crossed the rivers Dneper and Dnester and took the area Ongula (a territory to the Black sea, between the rivers Danube, Prut and Dnester) drove out the slavs. Soon after that they began to disturb with their actions byzantine possessions in Little Skitiq. During one of their campaigns they even reached Constantinople. During these sudden attacks they came into contact with the mizian slavs, who at that time were already united with the northern slavs and other slav tribes in a military union. Its purpose was to protect them from the Byzantium empire or from the pressing from northwest avarians. From the interrelatoins between slavs and proto-Bulgarians was formed the bulgrian country. The reasons for its origins are devided into those with foreign-political and those with internal political nature. With the first is related the need of slavs and proto-Bulgarians to protect the territories they have taken from Byzantium, and with the second-the necessity of an instrument for the wealthy to keep in subjection the poor, in other words the state as an institution for assistance and stabilization to the power of one group over another. A good premise for entering into an alliance between the proto-Bulgarians and the slavs is also their equal stage of development, and their neighbourly territories. Although the proto-Bulgarians have richer statesmanlike experience ( they have had numerous army and official`s apparatus for collecting taxes from the peasants) , in 679 year between both ethnical communities was concluded an agreement. Byzantium saw a great danger in this alliance, that is why in the spring of 680 year emperor Constantine IV organized a large campaign against them-by land and by sea. One Byzantium army went through Thrace and directed to the slavs, another one - in the lead with the emperor himself - set sail to the danubian delta to deal with the proto-Bulgarians. When they saw the numerous byzantium army they denied to go into battle and withdraw in their well defended fortifications in Ongula. For 3-4 days Byzantines did not attack. More about the creation of Bulgaria