Iran: Is There A Solution?

In almost any meeting that takes place between the leaders of the world these days, Iran is the first issue on the table and maybe the last. That is not surprising. Who doubts for a second about the danger a fundamentalist super power would pose on humanity? That is why all countries, even those who have had quite a lucrative trade relation with the Iranian regime, now call for Iran's referral to the UN Security Council as soon as they realize this country's real intentions. On the other hand Mullah's in Tehran are quickly taking steps to downsize the damages from any possible action taken against them by moving all Iranian money from Europe to the eastern countries. They are not moving the money inside Iran simply because they are afraid of their own people too and they wouldn't want to be trapped inside alone. Iran also is trying to use Oil as leverage to soften the western stand against it. This country is the second OPEC Oil producer and the state media there is threatening daily that if Iran goes to the Security Council, the oil prices would jump to $100 a barrel. The other leverage Iran is trying to use is to threaten to leave the None Proliferation Treaty which binds it to peaceful nuclear activities. Where would this all end? What can be done against a rouge regime that has defied its own people and also the rest of the world? Let's not forget that there is one more parameter. Do you remember who blew the cap off Iran's nuclear program in the first place? You are correct if you said the Iranians. In fact it was an Iranian opposition group that opened every body's eyes to Iran's up until then completely secret nuclear activities. The Iranian people are the real solution to the war or peace problem. With the world standing by them, Iranians can rid the world from terrorisms and fundamentalism all together and free their own country as well.