My Vietnam by George Bush

Everyone has his Vietnam. And what is Vietnam but a tale of dashed hopes. Consider some private citizens. Paul Gaugin sailed to French Polynesia in search of an elusive paradise. And died of frustration. That was his Vietnam. Andre de Sarto, the faultless painter, turned thief and lived a tormented life. Because he married the wrong woman. It was his Vietnam. Because he wanted to write the best Scottish poems, Robert Burns trekked away his life in search of Scottish folklores. A certain Vietnam. Consider these public citizens: Czar Nicholas of Russia loved power so much. That led to his death and that of his family. Another Vietnam. Napoleon Bonaparte's ambition did him in, in Waterloo. It was his Vietnam dance. J.F. Kennedy's Cuban dream failed at the Bay of Pigs. Some Vietnam. And then enter Richard Nixon. He went to the real Vietnam and fought an endless war. His Secretary of Sate, Henry Kissinger, did a stylish exit and got away with a Noble Peace Prize. Yet, Nixon had his Vietnam. I went to war in Iraq after GOD sent me a vision of a brave new world; the vision of a better democracy. Since Adam. Since the Greek city-states. Since the great Roman Empire But with about 2,000 American Marine coffins, unending violence in Iraq, and without a definite exit strategy for the American forces, I begin to think that this is my Vietnam. Please tell it to no one. Because they all have their Vietnam. ARTHUR ZULU is an editor, book reviewer, and the author of CHASING SHADOWS! and HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. For his works, professional services, and free helps for writers, goto: Mailto: Web search: Arthur Zulu