I Don't Trust You

Government should never ask the people to simply trust them as an excuse to move forward with anything. And the people should never grant government trust for the sole reason that it is government. Such requests for and grants of trust are the key to creating a lazy population ripe to be pillaged and enslaved by ideologies unkind to liberty. First conservatives were asked to trust that John Roberts is the Constitutionalist we were promised by President Bush on the campaign trail. Despite a minimal paper trail there was at least enough information to give us strong hope that years from now we can look back and say he was a good choice. But it is only a strong hope and not a firm belief. Now we have another candidate up for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court with an even more minimal record and what little there is causes some concern. Once again President Bush is asking us to place our trust in him. To say that I may be running a little short on trust at this point would be accurate. Not that I ever had much trust even for an administration that I voted for twice. To say that I am deeply concerned that I am being asked to keep trusting my President on blind faith would be more accurate still. I've never been one to blindly follow anyone or accept what they say without looking into it even if I did vote for them. This of course will come as a shock to those on the left who like to project their own lemming attitudes onto those that disagree with them. And I am not ready to jump in line behind a nominee to what is currently a activist court who has little track record on important issues. President Bush has faltered and betrayed those that believed in him by signing Campaign Finance Reform which was so obviously unconstitutional and failing to secure America's borders among other things. So forgive me if I cannot seem to muster an enthusiastic response to Ms. Miers' as a nominee. The only thing that gives me hope in this situation is that so far most of President Bush's other nominees to the courts have been rock ribbed conservatives that make Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Shumer, and Harry Reid squirm with anxiety. But when John Roberts had a limited paper trail to convince Americans of his conservative and constitutional views and when there are so many known quantities out there to be nominated why play games of stealth? I've waited. I've waited to hear why Ms. Miers was the best choice. I wanted to give supporters of her nomination and chance to explain why she is qualified. And still every "reason'' comes down to "trust me". The left is on the ropes. It is time to keep up the pressure. And it is time to make them squirm by continuing to hit them with who we really are and not sneaking around in the shadows. Conservatives are the American majority. And its time we start acting like it. It's time to start reclaiming America and stop pussy footing around.