Labels - Crutch of the Weak-Minded

Labels are by the far one of the most useful tools for the true believer to cast upon free thinkers. The prevalence of categorizing those who oppose one's point of view is a way to dismiss and encourage others to thereby dismiss even considering the opposition's viewpoint, facts and ideas. It's a technique that works for organizing the ignorant and stupid who choose not to think for themselves, but are swayed by the emotionalism of those they feel know more than they do. Free thought, regardless of one's current opinion on any matter, rejects being categorized...and rejects categorizing others with names, derogatory terms, or other labels. The facts are what matter, but anyone who resorts to labels is simply exhibiting their fear of another's ideas and often the truth of a matter. Such weak individuals are so fearful of taking on another's opinion based on facts that they resort to immature name-calling which most weak-minded people engage in as a defense to their ego. Don't confuse them with the facts, their minds are already made up.. My experience has been that there are very few individuals capable of intelligent discussion and dialogue. Regardless of their position (and whether I may agree or not with them) I am repulsed at the prevalence of emotionalism. Even those I do agree with on principle often, I feel, do a disservice to the cause (whatever it may be) by their tirades of emotionalism. Talk-radio is a prime example of this phenomena. Tune to what is labeled "conservative" shows and more than not you'll hear hosts spewing out every label they can think of to describe those they oppose. Likewise, tuning to what is often called "liberal" shows and you find the identical thing going on. Yes, it appeals to the masses. But it does not forward in any way expression and exploration of ideas. Nothing will ever be solved in such mindless attack.. Personally, I am oft amused by those who have or try to categorize me. So many assume that because I oppose Bush's war on Iraq, that I can be dismissed as a "pacifist." Now that makes me laugh, for I am most certainly a fighter--believing in self-defense no matter what action it requires. Self defense, on the personal and national level, is necessary. But I do not confuse self-defense with offense taken to fulfill government and corporate greed. I believe in fighting for what is right, and currently, I think the greatest fight we're engaged in as Americans is the fight to defend the US Constitution from Bush and his gang. Far from being a pacifist, I am a fighter. I can speak of the hope of peace, but I know it doesn't come from pacifism. I can speak of the humanity of friend and foe, but have no qualms about the use of force to defend one's life personally or use of military force to defend the life of a nation.. My political positions run across party lines. Too often others in conversation with me make false assumptions simply because they know how I feel on one matter they mistakenly assume I must feel a certain way on another entirely different issue. To define is to limit. Those who assume to categorize me fail to ever begin to comprehend. Only those who can engage in true dialogue, exchange of ideas and facts, learn my thoughts and I learn theirs.. Use of terms "liberal," "left," "progressive," are, too, laden with judgmental overtones which may or may not be correct when applied to an individual. Same goes for the terms heaped upon those whose political leanings are toward the other side of the spectrum.. Only when we, as a people, can forego use of labels to dismiss those we disagree with might we be able to engage in effective dialogue. If the common goal is the strength and protection of American way of life, then we cannot be a nation divided operating at a juvenile level of name-calling.. On the personal level, many I meet and hear speak, accept the label of "victims". In fact, they seem to take a pride in being victimized. It affords them sympathy, perhaps your help, and use it as an excuse to behave any way they wish because you must always allow them their weaknesses, afterall they are victims. This phenomena is exhibited by so many in our society. On the personal level, I've met men who whine of how they had such a weak father and domineering mother, thus they are unable to be anything but a "Dagwood" sort of man relative to the opposite sex. They actually verbalize the words, complaining of their childhood as an excuse for their disgusting weakness of mind and spirit, and expect a woman to console them...mother them. Still others cling to being "victims" of abusive childhoods as an excuse for their abuse of others. It is true that those who have been truly hurt in childhood are harmed and deserve the counseling and other help to learn from their past and become strong... the mature adult seeks to conquer the wounds and become stronger (which many do becoming strong advocates for others and achieving much in their own lives), but some cling to being a "victim" to avoid consequences for their abuse of others in the here and now. One can't have it both ways. Once you recognize the harm you have suffered, you then examine and learn the toll it has taken on your psyche, and you become stronger--rejecting repetition of same pattern. Again, I empathize with those who are true victims in this society, but have only disgust for those who claim "victimization" as a means to escape the consequences of their bad choices now. Such pseudo-victims detract from the seriousness of those who truly have been victims of horrible situations, and whose inner strength prevails them to want to heal and become strong again.. As we've all seen, labels are used to dismiss other's and labels are used to defend one's behavior. Labels serve no purpose other than to obscure the truth. Labels are used by those unwilling to rationally examine reality. Labels are accepted by those who are unwilling to look at what is and confront it. It is a tool for those unable to stand on truth, but who must resort to emotionalism to defend themselves, their actions, or to try and discredit others.. Gore Vidal stated it perfectly, "To be categorized is, simply, to be enslaved. Watch out. I have never thought of myself as a victim. I fear that the built-in defeatedness of those who meekly, stupidly allow themselves to be categorized may further narrow their chances to be human and useful rather than be flattened out into passive ciphers for that either/or slot so loved by our rulers..." (The Advocate, 1995, interview).. I reject labels. Others may cast them in their vain efforts to defend their ego positions, but I am uniquely me. An individual whose opinions I endeavor to base upon fact. An individual whose beliefs (which have seen much change over the years) are just that: beliefs...which I never assume to be etched in stone. An individual who has had a number of personal life experiences of choosing to fight rather than let the corrupt escape with no consequences. I think for myself. I ponder. I wonder. I change. No label will ever fit such individuals as I.