Material World

Should we be of the mind to just focus on the material world? I mean isn't there more to all this than just what we can see? I mean don't I have a soul and if I do, what part does this play in the material world? Yes there is more than the material world but it is a very important part of the picture in general and it is part of who we are and this will never change. What controls this material world? That would be your ego. What is the beast you speak of? Your right it is a beast and it is what controls us in the material world, through the ages that part of the mind that we call ego has taken over and tried to convince you that you are a person having a spiritual experience. Wrong we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We could go on and on about why we are here. Let us try to focus on the ego and how it all began. Here goes one of my theories, when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before they ate the forbidden fruit there was no ego. None nope not one bit. How then can this be true if the ego was breed into us and has gotten out of control and since the first and beginning, realization was when they ate the fruit? Now it is no wonder they call this fruit! When we partook of this extending of the fruit we were brought into this material world that was different from the original part of the garden of Eden, we now knew that we were naked and who told us this little tad bit of information? When we ate of the fruit of first realization that we were indeed were part of the God mind, hence where we came from, call it the big bang theory. Call it what ever you want, the point I am trying to get at here is that we ate the fruit and then we realized that we had an ego and from that moment on and down threw the ages it has grown stronger and stronger until at present it is out of control and is ruining our spiritual self, which is endless and eternal. How can ego become part of us? When we first realized that we came from God and that there would one day be millions of minds all connected to the one central brain of the universe, which holds us all, separately yet unquincly different and everything we do has an effect on eternity and the one mind that you can tap into at anyone one time is the same mind that Jesus tapped into to create all his miracles and this same power is in you. Jesus said that these things that I do, so shall you do even greater, now if this is the case wouldn't we need to be of the same mind as God to create these miracles as Jesus so clearly stated that we shall do works greater than him. Now do people believe that they can truly do the same works as Jesus? I bet you are saying no way, why not? Was he a liar? Was he a lunatic or was he the son of God, as we all are and our birthright was to have this universal mind the same one as Christ had and become children of the moist high God. The holy sprit says that it will never leave or forsake us, are these some magical words or are they the words of GOD. I believe when we all ate of the fruit, which if we are all one and the same then we had eaten the fruit also and this is were the ego takes over, telling us we are all separate and single. We are all connected at the hip so to speak and the ego the first realization that we were one with God, the mind said hey what happens to me after your life is over? If it can get us to the point that we are all-different from the rest and think, we are having a human experience and not a spiritual one, then it has won. What are some of the things that the ego wants us to believe? That we are separate from all others, that we do not need anyone you can do it all yourself. That you are better than anyone else is. You have to fight for your right to be right in any conversation and do what you must to make sure you are right, at whatever cost! Thing another race and thinking that there is only one RIGHT God and of coarse it is ours, not yours, everyone else is wrong. Well I have news for the ego, there is only one GOD and yes we are all part of the universal mind and we are having a spiritual experience. The ego would have you believe that the world of matter is all there is and when you die that's all there is and as long as he can keep uou thinking this the better off he is. Now let's look at why we are spiritual beings. We all come from the same God or universal mind and that makes us all brothers and sisters, how can we ever be separated form them? We all were built in the image of God, that's why the human features are so close to being the same. Now the ego will tell you one race is better than another and that the greens can't get along with the reds and the fude begins. Where my God is better than your God and if we listen to the ego we will never put our differences apart, we will be split on many, many issues. Well let's put this nasty little creature to rest and know that we all are connected to the most high God ans hence where we came from, endless and eternal there shall we also return to and yes when we getto this point you won't even remember that you had an ego and this is his altiment death, when you realize that you are one with God, so just let him sleep you are better off without the ego!