Stress Management Tip - Kick the Worry Habit

Worrying about things can bring on an incredible amount of stress. The saddest thing about worrying is that it is usually over things that have a low likelihood of occurring. One of the biggest winners out of people worrying are insurance companies. For example we worry about the possibility of our house getting burgled or getting sick. We therefore spend thousands of dollars every year on insurance so that we are covered in the event that something goes wrong. While it is wise to get insurance, in reality most things that we worry about do not eventuate. Typically the things that we worry about are out of our control. There is simply no point worrying about these kinds of things such as illness, lack of money, old age etc. Worrying consumes a lot of mental and emotional energy, and can become a big contributor towards illness. People that really worry about something actually end up attracting the occurrence of that event because of the vast amount of mental focus applied. If the thing you are worried about is out of your control and consuming you, then try to have a plan ready to go in the event that "it" will occur. Otherwise just simply accept that it is a possibility and let go. In most cases it will never manifest. Worrying can prevent you from taking chances in life that would otherwise result in a positive outcome. For example, by worrying that the economic climate will turn sour one day, you may never decide to invest in a property or the stock market. Or you may decide not to take that new job because you are worried about not doing well. This kind of worrying will stop you from achieving your goals. Try to let go once in a while and take that chance. The most successful people in history whether in business, sport or personal endeavours have usually endured some form of failure before achieving the big win. If they worried about failure they would never have achieved their dreams. By kicking the worry habit, you will become healthier, happier and a lot less stressed. You might even get more out of life.