
THE RESPONDEES TO THE FIRST 3 INTERNET QUESTIONS COME FROM 3 CHRISTIAN WEBSITES. 1st Internet Question: WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE PURPOSE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? THE RESPONDEES ARE REALLY DIVIDED OVER WHETHER THE PURPOSE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IS TO BE A GUIDE ON HOW WE SHOULD LIVE SO THAT WE WILL HAVE SOME LAW AND ORDER WITHIN OUR SOCIETY, OR THAT IT POINTS TO THE FACT THAT WE CAN'T OBEY THIS PERFECT LAW SO THAT WE WOULD NEED SOME OUTSIDE HELP AND FOR CHRISTIANS THIS OUTSIDE HELP COMES IN THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1) Corbin adds: Duet 11-14 might tend to contradict the latter answer when it states that the law is easy to follow, but I feel one has to realize that our understanding of God's morality has increased over time, and the understanding that the Israelis had of the commandments during the time of Duet. differs from our understanding today. Duet at the time looked at the outward meaning of the commandments, whereas today our understanding is much more internal. WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN To answer the question, one has to begin with what one can actually see, and that is man himself. Now, within man (in the generic sense which includes women) one can see a selfish core that seems to be inherited. Christians call this original sin (Gen. 3, Rom.5:12, Rom 6:23, IJohn I:8, Rom 3:23, and IJohn 5:17). And man has to be cognizant of this fact and the fact that he needs help in following God's perfect law - The Ten Commandments - (IJohn I:9-10, Ex. 20:I-17, and Duet. 5:6-21). A more spiritual way in looking at this is that assuming God to be perfect (Math 5:48 and Psalm I8:30), "How can a perfect being ever mix with an imperfect being to help the latter become obedient to the Perfect being's law?". The only way that this relationship could be brought back together again, that is where perfection could be united with imperfection, is that the better state has to take the lead, since it is the stronger suit that is needed in initiating such a unification (ICor. 13:10, and John 4:19) Christians believe that God did this in the person of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). They believe that Jesus came down to earth, mingled with humanity for awhile, sacrificed Himself for it on the cross, and returned to His original state (Perfection as part of the Trinity or God in relationship) through the resurrection (Romans 5:15) In other words, Jesus Christ, who is also God (John I:1-2, I4 and I7 and John 12:44-45) divested Himself of everything on the cross, which included all His power, all His possessions including all His clothes, and His life because of our separation from God or Perfection, and then was raised up (Math 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20&21, ICor. 15). To put it another way, He became pure imperfection for us on the cross before becoming Perfection once again (Romans 4:25). Another way in looking at this is that those who are dependent upon and confess or admit this separation with this outside source, and believe in these activities of Jesus Christ (Christians) are now wrapped up in a state of Perfection, just like a Christmas package, to seal in our own imperfection (Romans 10:9 and 5:9-10). Not that we become perfect, but when God looks at His believers, all that He can see is the impenetrable outside wrapping, Jesus Christ, which in effect, is really like God looking into a mirror at Himself. And we, as believers, though remaining imperfect ourselves, but perfect inside Christ, grow, love more, and respond in more beneficent ways as our whole being is more and more immersed by this wrapping expanding and seeping into our hearts. In other words, our actions are determined by how much of His presence we have of Him within ourselves, and from this, love expands and there is a greater presence of the Kingdom of God here on earth. And the best way of bringing this presence of Him about here on earth is by praising Him individually, or better yet, in a group which is called the Church. 2nd Internet Question: WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? AND THE RESPONSES TO CORBIN'S DEFINITION OF A CHRISTIAN WRITTEN ABOVE. 1) Hugh says: I think a Christian is more like a tootsie roll pop. The red coating completely covers the gooey black stuff. 2) Jim says: A Christian is someone who puts their own wishes aside and follows Christ despite the world view. He who picks up the cross and walks alongside Jesus gains much more than world knowledge. 3) Robert says: A Christian is someone who imitates Christ. And a Perfect Being really has no choice but to accept an imperfect being. 4) Noel says: Love and forgiveness must be unconditional whether you're perfect or imperfect. Personally, I believe a perfect Being can accept an imperfect being and much more. Would not a perfect Being be able to love perfectly and unconditionally? After all, that's what love is all about, accepting imperfections. 3rd Internet Question: ARE THERE UNCONSCIOUS CHRISTIANS? 1) Thomas says: In my opinion, no. A person may be as close to a saint as you can be on earth, but if they don't believe in Jesus as a savior, then I don't think they can be considered a Christian. There are many religions in the world that have moral standards of right and wrong, and helping others in need, just as Christianity does, but this doesn't make them Christian. 2) John says: Some non-Christians act more Christ-like than many Christians. 3) Michael says: Within Christianity there is an inclusive tradition which has been clearly expressed by the Jesuit Karl Rahner who used the phrase "anonymous Christians". Without compromising what we believe to be true or being apologetic about our faith, it is an act of humility, a recognition of our own limitations and God's greatness, to look beyond the confines of our own family. Although we believe in the unique self-revelation of God in Christ, our understanding of place and time cannot circumscribe God's universal salvation. For this reason, non-Christian religious traditions must be valid, capable of mediating the saving grace of God, people of faith are within the embrace of God's grace. and receiving this grace, which we know in Christ, they become "anonymous Christians". 4) Alice says. One cannot be an unconscious Christian seeing as how a person either believes or doesn't. But if you mean can a person be Christ-like without being a Christian, then the answer is yes, of course. We are born with a consciousness of right and wrong which may be our soul or a bit of God in us. So, regardless of the religious belief or lack thereof, a person may still be good, loving, and giving. That in essence is Christian though the belief in Jesus as Savior may not be present. 5) Sarah says: Christianity isn't the only Path to require decent, moral, loving behavior from its followers. 6) Jim says: Let me say first that I think that the the world religions share the same eternal truths. Each of the Founders of the world religions were channels for the same light...same light, different lamps. When we recognize the God-like qualities in a person, we see that light reflected in his spirit which is manifested and released throuhout his or her life. 7) Sam says: There is a book called "One River, Many Wells" written by Mathew Fox. In brief it states that there is god and many wells (belief systems, religions, etc.) that all go to the same source. There is one underground river, but there are many wells connected to that river: e.i. a Jewish well, a Hindu well, an Islem well, a Buddhist well, etc. In other words, there are many wells but one river. To go down a well is to practice tradition, but we would make a grave mistake if we confused the well itself with the flowing waters of the underground river. If you look at your hands, your thumbs, and fingers, they are all individual and independent, but when you look at the whole hand they all come from the same source. Fox quotes from a lot of sources, but the basis of most religions is the same, love, acceptance, finding meaning, and the joy of creation. What I am trying to say is that when maybe people act in a Christ-like way, they are in contact with God, doing the actions according to the universal understanding of what is right and just.