The Final Frontier: Heaven

Where Is Heaven?
The answer to this question might be harder then you think. In lure of the story about God, if I was Satan, the last place you would find or define. This, too, is no problem since most are hell bound thinking the story about God isn't a literal fact. See if you understood the story statements you would know the lie accredited to Satan. This lie ties in our created existence in the life. You would understand the Tartarus and Satan current home. So until we do come to know the story fact, after the spirit of truth has come, we have our visions about heaven. A thought conveyed in fantasies and not the truth defined in the story account.
So for those who do not believe as well as those who do, let's keep it simple. After all simple is God creation in the story to most. Ones defining of this act of creation an illiterate account of the known reality. Science holds the reality of existence and religion view of God act an empty statement void of fact. The reader has two ways to view the facts of these statements. They can see the story about God a valued collection of good intents to guide moralities. They can relate a deception beyond the story of God statement which over ride its fact. Believe it or not, the table is already established against you. Like a zebra you can not change your stripes. Adam, earth dwelling man, nature is too stern for change. The story fact states narrow is the path of righteousness and few there in but broad is the way of destruction and many there in.
Let's began this search for the heaven. All of us, at some point, has gazed the night darkness. The darkness like a vast ocean blankets the sky with its essence. One poet conveyed this sight as a bowl turned upside down. We, of course, trapped inside this inverted bowl. The darkness unknown pit only indifference is its array of stars. The stars scattered placement in the darkness seemingly endless fact. It's there in this pit sprinkled glittering lights we concentrate our search for the heaven.
Religion theology state out there in this starry darkness is God existence. The fact view is not the given detail in the story about God. God state in the story is in light and not darkness. We can listen to the howls of demonic possessed ill intent directors. Or we can apply the truth of the story about God. Science denies the existence of others outside our world. This fact includes the fact of God. The thought by science of anything in such a harsh environmental condition is a doubt. Such mumbling and non-sense babbling by science coming to the logic, we are out there. We have sent vessels there and had them return. Science, itself has proven, although harsh under the right factors there is the reality of life. Science statements of extreme variables can not denounce the potential of life in such conditions. Our reality in such a state is proof of that existence. Religion calls this harsh vision of darkness with its stars heaven.
The thought of heaven was derived from the story of God. The portrayal of the heaven assumed by religion is outside the story of God fact. The heaven of the story account as mentioned had light with a fact of darkness. Religion states above the clouds God watch over the earth. Science ventures beyond the reach of the clouds yielded no proof of God domain. Science took from religion an imagined endless state called night. The story account of God reflects the balance of the light and the darkness. The heaven under religion absorb the essence of the stars. Science defines this same state as space. The total sum of religion thoughts of above them and science acclaims of space is a short coming of the story about God given heaven account.
Science perceives there is no heaven. Not a state so to speck that holds the facts of other living entities. Science has step from cave man to all knowing and yet so na