Great White...

Apostles' Creed "...from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead." Terry Dashner ( The Bible emphatically states that there is coming a day of judgment, for God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. Jesus said that we will see the Son of Man sitting upon the throne of His glory, all nations will be gathered together before Him, and He will separate them as the shepherd separated the sheep from the goats. John, author of the book of Revelation, saw a great white throne in a great day of judgment. Not only does the Bible declare it, but also the moral nature of man demands it. Dr. Kennedy, a man I greatly admire, tells an interesting story about Elizabeth Kubler Ross. Ross once appeared on the Phil Donahue show and was discussing her views about the after life. Ross is a reflective thinker and a universalist and believes that all men when they die go to heaven. During the interview, Donahue asked her point blank if Hitler would be in heaven. To which she replied, 'Of course.' There being a number of Jewish people in the audience that morning, they became quite agitated. They asked other questions about some of the various men who had headed up the Nazi death camps at Dachau and other places. She continued to affirm that all of these, too, upon their death, went immediately to paradise. By this time the audience had become so enraged that it appeared some of them were going to rush upon her and gnash upon her with their teeth--because there is something in the moral nature of man that demands that wrongs will be righted and scores will be settled. The coming day of judgment will be the ultimate theodicy. (Theodicy is that which justifies the ways of God with men.) Like you, I have many questions about this life and its ostensible contradictions. I'm a rational being who wonders why God would allow suffering in His world when He could snuff it out with a wave of His hand. I wonder why some believers contract diseases and die young, while evil men seem to prosper and live long lives. I'm just one of many that has come through the ages and cried out, "Lord, how long before you right the wrongs of men?" I must admit, I've never received a suitable answer to my cries, but I've never stopped trusting God's goodness to men in that He sent His only Begotten Son to die for the sins of the world. And one day He will right all wrongs. As a matter of fact on the day of the great white throne judgment, God's plan for the ages will be unveiled, and all will see for the first time God's perfect redemptive plan. At that time we will see as God sees, and we will have perfect understanding. His plan He has worked throughout time will make perfect sense to us. He is the God of perfect justice. He will one day right all the wrongs. At the judgment scene all men will be judged according to their works. John writes about this in Revelation 20: 11-15. Why will men be judged according to their works? There are several reasons for this. For one, sin is not the issue here. Jesus died 2000 years ago on the old rugged Cross and took in His body and soul the sins of humanity. Sin was rendered powerless over anyone who would receive His salvation. Another reason is this. James in the New Testament says, " without works is dead." There is no way to show faith and trust in God but through the manifestation of faith revealed in works. I walk a fine line here, realizing that this has been a subject of debate since the Reformation; nevertheless, it is a true statement at the judgment scene. Let me illustrate. At the throne the Son of Man will reveal the entire lifetime of the one being judged. Everything in secret or open will flash before him. The one judged will offer his good works as his defense. The Son of Man will weigh them in the balance and find that they fall far short of His redemptive work on the Cross. Because the one being judged never received the work of Calvary by faith, he will offer his works in place of Calvary. But it won't satisfy the wrath of Almighty God. Only the perfect Lamb of God was good enough, righteous enough to appease the wrath of God whose holiness can not be compromised by any work of man but only through what He has provided through the suffering, death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. What will you offer for your defense? I can tell you I have nothing to substitute for the mercy of God. That's why I called on Jesus many years ago to rescue me from my sins. Jesus heard my cry and answered me. I believe that when I die and give an account for my life--for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ--Jesus, the Apostles' Creed "...from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead." Advocate of all ages, will stand in my defense and plead my case before the Father. I will enter into the kingdom of God because of Jesus. The works that I've done in this life for the glory of God will be noted, and I will receive rewards for them. The works done by self-will will be cast into a fire and burned up. I'm so thankful that God has provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life for me. I'm so thankful that Jesus saved me from my sins and gave me eternal life in Him. I need not fear the judgment because Jesus will be there at my side. How about you? If you're not ready, call on Him and He will "...answer thee and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Keep the faith. Stay the course. Jesus is our soon coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pastor T.