Logical Argument

Our society is faced with many uncertainties yet to be known about our existence. The state of our reality is defined by our awareness of its fact. We mold and structure the thought to our mind about the life. Among these considerations by us is the concept of God. The greatest question to confront the issue, Is there a God?
The problem is the view without sight defining a reality. The logic of perception rather then fact of the account we know of existence visible. The host of adam, earth dwelling man, is split on the issue of God existence. Adam consideration of the life is not the account of God and angel. Adam has the given story about God to obtain the wisdom. The truth is God non-perceived state with the apparent surrounding realities we know of life. The value of truth you can not see but its state hold witness in existence.
A table is prepared before us about the existence. About the table were the science, religion and common view on the issues of life by adam. God or not known factor is the centerpiece. Science logical argument is not for God. Let me see and feel God I will believe. Science researches the wonders of life. Science opens the minds of individuals to thought and consideration of acquired features of the existence. Science relates the research field that gather facts rather then speculations. Science definitions of existence have sight and feel. The laws of science held to facts, theories and conceptions.
Religion carries God in the existence. Religion and science are at contrast in their origin of the existence. Religion as science is split in their desired interest among their believers. Religion had its experts of the text of God. Religion has its less informed members on the text about God. Religion logical argument for God there is one fact to the origin. Religion statement is its fact in the book about God. The book is the fact of God existence.
The common view leaves us our final seat about the table. They simply believe there is a God/ is not a God. The common view shares the thoughts of confusions between religion and science. The common view roots once defined is loyal. The common view statement in the words of the story about God is from the soul. The actual facts known by them about God base the common view. The things they heard or read in their research of God. The common view logical argument is for God. They believe with faith of others beyond adam.
The logical argument at the table is the truth about the creation. Science relates an endless zone of darkness. Science defines the sun as a star. The star is theorized by science to have been emerged from an ignition in the dark depths of space. Science view and not fact is a belief which seeks the reality. Science has an ideal about the creation of the existence outside the told reality of the past. There was no God in science initial origin existence.
God in religion creates the earth. God establishes the heaven. With the thought of the heaven came the stars. Religion state the sun is the great light of the story about God account. The stars were the tiny remnants of the great light formation. God formed the lesser lights called stars also. Religion rooted this thought about the story of God proclaimed heaven. Heaven was the home for God, the angels and the stars. God formation of the darkness creates the existence. God act through religion view is outside of light. Religion origin of the creation is in the darkness.
The common view hold to the thought of the darkness we call night. The common view sees the contrast of the light and the darkness. The common view knows without the sun our life would not be in existence account. The common view knows the text states God dwelt in light. The common view suggests the issue is the thing we should know if the state of God is in light. God in His world state is not in the state of this darkness or the sun light. The story states God had things of possession. We too know of this light which is the sun. These things as the earth were created in the existence account. Science, religion and the common view all agree on the fact of a formed creation.
The word of God accounts the cut of light from the darkness. The cut of the light from the darkness was balanced in the existence. The common view state of our existence is not infinite. There is an end to the darkness. The nature of our sun and the stars illustrate containment. The shape of the sun states we are enclosed and the darkness one side of the enclosure. This detail is the statement of division of the light and darkness in the story by the common view about God.
The common view relates the fact the darkness is a ray. The sun gives its light as the darkness gives its light. The sun given rays and those of the night are our evening and morning. The common view reflects the balance of light and darkness as a necessity for the existence. The basic laws of science states extreme heat/light will consume. The law define extreme cold/darkness will shatter. The common view relates it's the balance of the heat and the cold which relates existence. Balance light and darkness creates warmth. The sun generates its own warmth. The darkness we call night is a ray from another source.
The logic of the darkness light is God great light. The story states a lesser light. God in the story made two great lights. One great light absolute light and one great is absolute darkness. The darkness yields the rays stretching over our known universe. The two great lights formation in the story was able to give light on the earth. The story about God states another side to this great light of darkness. The light of the first day did not give light on the earth. The earth in the story had not been created by God. God existence proof is the life. Our existence, the planet and the sky are factors in the existence. The common view fact of God is He exists. The logical argument defines the existence of angel. Angel fact of God is His existence.
The story account defines the creation as great. The sun is smaller then the two great lights in the story about God. There is a light of darkness and a light of light as spheres in the story about God account. Each light state is in their zone of the containment. The containment of the two great lights gave the fact of its own cycling of the evening and the morning to the earth. This fact set the sun or stars as a combo of the light and darkness. The state we call night has a state called day in our existence other then the sun.
May we all grow in the wisdom and prosperity of God will,
Alexander Coppedge
TPAC Manager