The Kuzari Proof - 3 Million Witnesses Can Be Wrong -- Rebutal

The Kuzari Proof - 3 Million Witnesses Can Be Wrong -- Rebutal 1) I submit every ancient work of Jewish literature written to this date that supports the Torah as evidence of its validity. Including the Mishna, The Talmud, and every sagely ancient document recovered to this date all support and learn from the Torah. 2) lack of documentation which denies the Torah's authenticity... Israel was conquered MANY times, by many cultures that kepts historical records... non deny our past. Their population size is a matter of history... it didn't become what it was overnight. 3) Other monotheistic religious are based on Torah,... their very existence confirm the truths of the words in the Torah. 4) Well detailed historical life of Jews in Israel at time of Temple is confirmed by many other cultures. They knew better than any of US how they get to Israel... and they wrote alot their history. 5) different versions of Gmara,... in Babelonia and in Jerusalem tell the same tale 6) ancient copies of Torah and other documents (dead sea scrolls) confirmed unchanged authenticity, and attention to detail given by followers to preserving their history... to the Letter. ... I would say you have less evidence than me... Torah non-withstanding. all you present is heresay and conjecture, and you fail to really back it up except for quoting famous methods of arguing... but I have yet to hear you respond to my points... I wonder latin form of argument you'll find for this email... in order to avoid dealing with my points. You claim a mass falsification of history and give no possible explanation for HOW (opportunity)?, WHOM ? or even WHY? (opportunity) conducted this conspiratorial act. I suggest you go back to the drawing board...