
Terry Dashner ( Roughly 300 years before Christ was born, Rome and Cartage were at war with each other for control of the Mediterranean Sea. Between 264 and 146 B.C., they fought three wars. The first Punic War (264-241 B.C.), called Punic Wars because Punici was the Roman word for Phoenicians, was fought over control of the island of Sicily. The Romans feared a strong presence of Phoenicians on the island would disrupt the balance of trade in the Mediterranean Sea. The only way Rome could stop Carthage was to break her naval supremacy. Using the design of a captured Carthaginian warship, Rome began to build a navy of her own. Although Rome soon possessed the same ships, Roman sailors could not match the experience and skill of the Carthaginians. So Rome substituted soldiers for experienced sailors. When an enemy ship came near, a plank was dropped (like a drawbridge) so that its spiked tip fastened to the deck of the enemy's ship. Armed Roman soldiers then crossed over and captured the ship. By this method Rome crippled the navy of Carthage. What if Rome had continued--although being subdued at every turn--trying to fight the Carthaginian navy without using their wits and capitalizing on their army's strength? The Roman Republic would have certainly died out, and North Africa would have become a world empire. This begs the question. What is insanity? It is doing the same thing over and over again but each time expecting different results. Can you identify with this definition? If you find yourself defeated in life, while attempting to address the defeat and depression by the same actions day-in-and-day-out, maybe it's time to muster up the courage and try something different. I know trying something different may disrupt your comfort zone and stretch you beyond yourself, but isn't it worth a try? To win the Mediterranean Sea, the Romans were willing to try something different in their approach to naval warfare. Because they thought "outside the box" and applied their greatest asset to the situation, Rome went on to become a world empire. Have you done an assessment of your greatest strengths lately? Why not? You need to know your strengths in order to address the enemies of life. The Bible says that God has given us all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus His only begotten Son. If you want to walk blessed, you must turn to Christ because in Him alone is everything you need. He is our greatest strength. Again the Bible says that all the promises of God are in Christ, yes and Amen! That means that Jesus is the mediator between God and man. If you want what God has for you, you must go to the Son. The Bible says that we can do all things through Christ who is our strength. Are you getting the picture? Many times we find ourselves in situations over our heads. We keep trying to press against them in our own strength and creativity. After a while we become exhausted because we are no match for the opposition. To continue striking the situation in human strength alone is insanity because each time we are doing the same actions but expecting different results. Why not try something ingenious? Why not cast the situation on God, and let Him help? God is for us and wants us to win. But He can't help us if we don't ask for His help. I believe that God has a way for you. I believe that He wants to break you out of your defeat and depression. I believe that if you call on Him, He will hear you and help you win. God might have a special word of instruction for you that will help you overcome your enemy by an ingenious plan that capitalizes on your strengths and exploits the power of your enemy. Can you believe this? If so, go for it. Rome did. Keep the faith. Stay the course. Jesus is alive and coming again. Pastor T.