WAKE UP CALL Sir - Apropos the analysis 'What went wrong?' Dr. Farrukh Saleem(SG {www.saudigazette.com.sa}- Nov 25, 2005/ Islam page). I thank the writer for the wake-up call to all Muslims, and I also appreciate Saudi Gazette as an active medium for such calls. The philosophy of world's renowned philosopher - Allama Iqbal is as follows: "Call for Betterment (Azaan) of Mujahid is poles apart than the call of Mullah" The question 'What went wrong?' was left unanswered for us to analyze and realize. The Muslims were lead to devastation as a conspiracy of the counterparts. The eye-opening results are in front of us and we can no more run from it. The analysis highlights 3 mains aspects for lagging behind - Education, Poverty & Weakness. - Lacking of Education which lead to poverty. - Gaining of poverty which lead to deterioration of strength. - And finally the continuation of the vicious circle of weakness. Education - must be provided to all so that each and every individual realizes his/her rights and duties. The repairs and growth of Mankind is possible by educating the Divine Guidance. Poverty - has ingested the Muslims. It's high time that we must realize that we are not Allah's favorite. But, poverty is a Punishment by Almighty. He clearly states in Quran: 'Verily, We sent (Messengers) to many nations before you [O Muhammad,(PBUH)]. And we seized them with extreme poverty(or loss in wealth) and loss in health so that they might humble themselves' (Surah Al Anam 6:42) Weakeness - is a result of wrong actions and decisions. Decisions and doings have been reduced to arguments between traditions and customs. Allah Almighty's warning for such a condition in Holy Quran (9/89) is explained as follows: 'If you do not take a step for a bright future then remember God will severely punish you for it, that is, in your place bring another people...Remember, that Allah has for everything, fixed measures on which He has absolute control.' The warnings and admonitions of Almighty Allah to Mankind are to make them precautious and not to lose hope. The Most Gracious and Merciful offers countless opportunities for betterment. The Mercy of the Creator in Holy Quran (17/82) is explained as follows: 'And whatever we have sent down in the Quran is a mercy and healing for those who believe.' Not only Muslims but all the beings are required to focus on Holy Quran because this guidance is the final mercy of God. May Allah accept my prayer! Amin. Majid Saleem Siddiqi Student - University of Lucknow Lucknow, India +91-9839 066 077 majidsaleem85@hotmail.com commerce_ka_majid@yahoo.com