It is possible...

Matthew 19: 26 "With God all things are possible." Mark 9: 23 "All things are possible to him who believes." In each of these scriptures, we find the words, "all things are possible." Things that are possible to God are made equally possible to the one who believes. All that is possible to God becomes equally possible to us by faith. Faith is the key. The Greek stem for faith is pist. It is used almost 600 times in the New Testament. Hebrew 11:1 and 2 defines, "Faith." Two things are written about faith. First, faith is called substance. In Hebrews 1:3 we read that Jesus is the exact representation of His Father's nature or (substance in the KJV). The Greek word hypostasis (hypo-under and stasis-stationary or static) means that God is the underlying reality of which Jesus Christ is the visible expression. Second, faith is the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:3, II Cor. 5:7). Ps 27:13 According to scriptures, the thing that keeps us from despair is not what we can see with our physical vision, but what we can believe with our hearts. In Heb 11:27 we read that in spite of all that Moses endured, he was able to endure it because he was able to see the unseen. (John 11:39-40. 2 Cor. 4: 17-18). Affliction may serve a useful purpose for believers. Afflictions form and strengthen our character. They prepare us for eternal glory that lies ahead of us. But the word "while" is key. The suffering serves us only while we keep our eyes on the unseen. If we lose sight of the unseen realm, get caught up in the world, we can no longer receive the benefits that afflictions bring. Faith is NOW. Faith is in the heart. It produces hope in the mind. (I Thess 5:8). Hope is a confident expectation of good. Optimism. Romans 8: 28 speaks to the reality of faith in the heart, hope in the mind. Many people who say they believe God will heal them are actually saying I hope that God will heal me some time in the future. That is not NOW faith (faith in the present tense always). Hope is future tense always. The adversary is very successful in making us believe in hope (something future) when we should be standing in faith (that which is present tense). We confess, "We're okay because one day God will grant our requests." No, we believe NOW. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for..." (Heb 11:1). I am to say this continually, "God has already provided for my need; therefore, I receive the answer now." The manifestation comes when God wants it to come. But, I receive now and my eyes are on the thing that I'm calling into existence in Christ Jesus. Let me illustrate with a simple example. The Bible has recorded the words, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." (Psalms 23). Simply stated, the Lord was my Provider before I was born. When I run short of something I need in the natural, I call it forth in prayer. I have presently what God has provided for me since the beginning of time. This is faith released in the NOW. Until the manifestation comes, I thank God for it. I presently have it. From the moment I asked, it became mine. Until I receive in my experience, I keep my eye on it in the spirit. I thank God for it in advance. I boast that my God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. I pray this helps you. Pastor T.......Keep the faith. Stay the course. I believe that Jesus is on His way.