God's Beautiful Rainbow

Probably almost all of us have seen a rainbow in our lifetime, have you? The rainbow had a role during the great flood. God told Noah that after the flood He would send a rainbow which signifies God's promise that He will no longer destroy the earth with flood. A rainbow is a light phenomenon that can be seen in the sky usually after there is rain. It shows it beautiful magnificent colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. However, rainbows does not stay too long, but with its variety of colors, it is so beautiful to behold. With modern science, a colorful rainbow can be produced in many ways. One of those is with the use of a prism. A prism is simply a triangular glass. By projecting a beam of light through the two sides of a prism, the white beam of light divides into the colorful lights the can be found in the rainbow up in the sky. Diversity of colors is beautiful to behold. Now I fully understand what God did with the human race, By creating Adam, and through him, many different races have been formed. There are the Chinese, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, native americans, asians, arabs, and a lot of other races that can be found in this world. The diversity of the races is a beauty to behold. Yet God did not make one race superior over the other. The thought of racial descrimination is a result of man's selfish desires. The thought that other races are inferior to ones race is simply an evil thing that should be suppressed. As God had said, do not judge a man by the color of his skin. Yes, God judges man by looking at the heart of man. I am just wondering though, are there different races among the angels? Is there diversity among them? I just am wondering. But for all I know, there is beauty in diversity just like the different colors of the rainbow.