Shamans Discuss Free Will Importance for Global Peace

A group of shaman practitioners joined together last Wednesday to talk about free will choice. They discussed their belief that everything was created to have free will choice, not just people as it says in the Bible, but every tree and animal and plant and stone. And everything created respects the free will choice of every other thing as they will not violate this gift, this right we were given to choose for ourselves, except man. Man is the only being either physical or non physical who will deliberately violate the free will choice of another. And in the Bible we see that even the snake who tempted Eve could not go against her free will. It could only try to influence her choice. She had to make the free will choice to eat the apple in that story. Some of the students in attendance were asking, well how can I let my children have free will choice, they would run rampant into the night causing havoc! And the shamans reminded them that we can give our children choices. We can let them choose of their own free will between this choice and that choice. We can set two or three choices out for them and explain the consequences of each of those choices and let them have the right to their free will. Shaman Elder Maggie related how she had taught her children. "I started this with my daughter when she was 18 months and it did not take her long to start making good choices and consider her options carefully. Today she is a Director of Human Resources because she always knew how to consider options and how to make good choices." Respecting the free will of everything around you may sound ridiculous. To respect the free will of a plant to be picked or not? To respect the free will of a stone be thrown or not? To ask the grass before you mow it for permission to do so? Yet, if you were a plant you would want to be asked for your permission to take a leaf, or if you were a stone you would like to be asked before you were thrown. Why do we not respect the free will of everything around us as the shamans do? They have seen the free will of everything as a gift from Creator since time immemorial. If we think about it from the shamanic perspective, we walked away from Eden when we violated the gift of free will choice. When we choose to impose our power over another without their permission we are enslaving them. When we invade anything's right to make a choice we are creating a kind of dictatorial relationship. If you can imagine a world where every person respected the free will right to choose of every other person, how different would this world look? These shamans are not saying that every person should agree with everyone's choices. Our choices are as individual as we are and it is seldom that two people make the same choices but they are saying that we need to respect a person's right to make a choice. This is the world as Creator established it; A world of freedom and respect and kindness and consideration and cooperation. Many people feel that this utopia is lost to us forever and just a dream that can never happen in our lifetimes. But the shaman knows that we can get back to this Divine plan. This beautiful world as Creator meant it to be can become real right here and right now as each human chooses it. The shamans teach that it starts with each one of us deciding that free will is the Divine right of everything. First, you realize that you have free will and learn to use it wisely. Next, you recognize that everything else is entitled to make free will decisions too, even a child, and you give others choices to make. Then, you come together with others to recognize the Divine will of Creator and honor that free will as well. Finally you choose whether you accept the Divine Will for you or not, and if you do, then peace, prosperity, gentleness, health and power are yours. It is always your choice to choose what Creator wants to give you, or instead, only what you can get on your own. We can get back to what this world was intended to be. It is simply through respecting the right of everything to make a free will choice. This conference was held through the internet and hosted by for more information.