Are there any health benefits in using Dead Sea products?

Firstly, it is important to understand a little about the location of the source. The Dead Sea has a unique climate which has been shown to offer excellent natural treatment for many health problems. The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth, over 400 metres below sea level located between Israel and Jordan, the region has a dense air rich in bromine and other elements which filters and limits the ultraviolet B radiation from the sun, reducing the danger of sunburn and allowing longer exposure to the sun's rays. The thick atmospheric pressure is also associated with an increase in oxygen - 5 per cent richer than air at sea level and 10 per cent higher than the air in Jerusalem, only a two hour drive away. The water in the Dead Sea contains 345 grams of mineral salts per liter and is approximately ten times higher in saline than ocean water and enriched by hydrogen sulfide gas. For this reason no plant or animal can survive in the water and bathers are able to float in the sea. The major salts are magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. The benefits of being in the water are legendary. Calcium clarifies the skin surface and relieves pain; sodium balances the pH of the skin; chlorine is a natural antiseptic that boosts the skin's protective layer and reduces swelling; magnesium enhances functioning of skin metabolism, facilitates breathing and protects against allergies; bromine is a muscle relaxant; potassium regulates the body's water balance; iodine improves thyroid health and cell metabolism; sulphur detoxifies and stimulates the metabolism. It is known, by many people who live in Israel that those who arrive too ill to venture into the sea often improve just by breathing in the air. Often they can go into the water in a matter of days. Health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries now offer incentives to its members who wish to visit the area within Israel and Jordan. This has resulted in the subsidizing for people suffering from both Psoriasis and other skin conditions. If Health Insurance companies can be considering full or partial coverage of treatment at the Dead Sea for relief and treatment of skin disorders, then it seems fair to assume that the use of products manufactured from the Mud and minerals of the Dead Sea also has its benefits. For additional information on Dead Sea hotels in Israel visit and for Dead Sea hotels in Jordan visit