The Plight of a Shih Tzu Show Dog

What procedures are employed to maintain a Shih Tzu - pet or show - in optimum health? The areas important are: 1. Maintenance of high standards of health. 2. Feeding a scientifically balanced diet. 3. Establishment of a regular program of exercise. The formality and detail of a system is a matter of personal taste, however, these three areas are of universal importance and must be included whether you are raising a single family pet Shih Tzu or you are maintaining a large kennel of Shih Tzu show dogs. Raising Shih Tzu Show Dogs You must employ greater care when conditioning the Shih Tzu show dog. This is true not only because the Shih Tzu represent a larger investment of money, but because the show dog Shih Tzu are forced into situations that are potentially much more damaging to their general health. Shih Tzu show dogs are constantly on the go being transported from one part of the country to another. Shih Tzu show dogs travel hundreds of miles each week to maintain their show schedule. Such traveling is hard on people and it is hard on Shih Tzu. It disrupts the normal Shih Tzu routine of life. There is breaking of the routine for sleeping and eating. While the Shih Tzu may sleep in the crate as they travel, the situation is still not entirely the same as when the Shih Tzu are at home and sleeping. There are new strange noises that disturb the Shih Tzu's' rest, and the Shih Tzu does not sleep as soundly as he would at home. The Shih Tzu rest is also constantly disturbed during the night with the arrival of each new exhibitor. A dog's hearing is very much greater than human hearing. It is most likely the Shih Tzu will be disturbed many more times during the traveling than a human on the same trip. All of this can create a nervous strain on the Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu may simply refuse to eat and have to be force fed. Some Shih Tzu never do make an adequate adjustment and are forced to retire from a show career, just as some humans do not adjust to the busy life of being a Hollywood Movie Star and may turn to alcohol or drugs to help them adjust or not be able to perform at all. You must consider also that traveling from show to show in a small crate has to be physically exhausting for the Shih Tzu show dog. The motion of the car or the airplane, the noises and the strange fumes all can add to the Shih Tzu's discomfort and does take its toll on their health and well being. The Shih Tzu show dog has all the above mentioned areas of concern in addition to those general problems that exist for all Shih Tzu - pet or show. The general conditions of health, diet, and exercise must be watched constantly to prevent serious health problems for the Shih Tzu - pet or show.