"The fat man walking 2"

Gary Long, a 380 lb, 51 year old man from Fenton, Missouri, known as "The fat man walking 2," will gather with family, friends and supporters on 2-15-06 at 9 am at the Arch in St. Louis, Mo. At 10 am he will bid farewell and embark on a yearlong walk across America with his backpack, sleeping bag and tent. His goal is to lose weight, regain his health and bring national attention to obesity in America. Gary was in the Army for 21 years and was a slender man untill he got out of the Army at the age of 40. He drove a truck across country for the next 9 years and gained a lot of weight. He tried several diets over the last few years and nothing seemed to work for him. About 4 months ago Gary learned about a 410 lb man named Steve Vaught from California that billed himself as "The fat man walking," who was walking across America to lose weight. Steve's trek inspired Gary to become "The fat man walking 2." You can learn about Gary and his walk across America by visiting his website at: www.thefatmanwalking2.com. You can email him at: gary@thefatmanwalking2.com.