Know Your Cash Back Credit Card

Cash back credit cards are great for those who pay off their balances every month and don't require a super-low interest rate. For the reward seeker who wants cold hard cash in exchange for his or her credit card loyalty, cash back credit cards pay you cash back or rebate a percentage of the money that you have spent on your credit card. Cash back credit card offers may all appear the same, however, in reality there are many different types of cash back credit cards so it pays to do a little homework before you choose your cash back credit card. Also, if you own or plan on applying for a cash back credit card know what percentage is earned on purchases, what spending categories are rewarded at higher rates and the method by which rewards are delivered to the customer. Cash back credit cards began about 15 years ago and are very popular. The first cash back credit cards were issued by Discover and were rather simple, offering a flat percentage rate (typically 1% of purchases) rebated back to the customer in the form of a check at the end of the year or a statement credit. Now there are many different types of cash back credit card offers out there. Some are simple others are rather complex to keep track of. Simple cash back credit card offers calculate the flat rate against all spending (or different rates for cerain category puchases, as in the case of the Citi