Debt Warning Signs

Financial Services Doesn't Necessarily Mean Loans or Brokers Many times we don't see the signs that indicate the need to secure financial services until it's too late. Financial crisis doesn't occur overnight, and there are several warning signs that indicate your debt problems may be getting out of control. Seeking financial services does not necessarily mean that you're taking out a loan or seeking a broker. Financial services could be any company offering financial guidance. Below are some questions that will help determine if you're in future financial danger and in need of financial services. Do you find yourself exhausting savings as a way of supporting your debts? The purpose of a savings account is to have funds available for unexpected situations that may require additional financial resources. If you are exhausting savings to keep up with your bills, it may be an indication that you are spending more than your income can support and in need of financial services guidance. Do you pay only minimum payments on your credit cards? If you can only afford minimum payments or not much more than minimum payments, you are overextended. It is important at this point to analyze and properly adjust your financial budget and spending behavior. It is very likely if thrown into a situation that requires additional financial resources, your current monetary situation will be unmanageable. Click here for your free debt consolidation quote now! Have you been declined credit or credit line increase? Being declined for credit is a clear indication that you need to re-evaluate your current financial situation. Creditors utilize guidelines that determine credit worthiness . I you've been "declined", it means that your creditors feel that your finances exhibit signs of trouble. Related article: Credit Reports & Credit Repair Scams After you pay your monthly credit card bills, do you accumulate as much or additional debt the following month? This may be a sign that you are dependent on credit cards to maintain your life style or, to supplement day-to-day living expenses such as gas, meals, or food. Do you avoid adding up the total of your outstanding debt? It's important to be aware of where and what monies are owed to your creditors, and in order to do this, you must confront your spending behavior head on. Implementing a better repayment program and seeking financial services assistance and guidance before the situation becomes unmanageable is the first step to financial freedom. Are your cards nearing or over your available line of credit? If the answer is yes, here's another sign that you are in financial trouble and in need of financial services guidance. If you were aware of your finances, and understood how high your balance is your current situation could have been avoided. Are you dependent on cash advances to pay on other credit obligations? If your answer is yes, your current income cannot support your style of life. You need to immediately stop to analyze your budget and make the necessary adjustments. Outside financial services assistance may be needed for guidance and structuring a payment program. Do you float or bounce checks? Floating checks is a practice of issuing a check in hopes that by the time the check has cleared, money will be available in your account. Floating or bouncing checks is a clear indication that you're living paycheck-to-paycheck and your finances are in trouble. Do you get collection calls from creditors? Collection calls are a definite sign that you are behind on your credit obligations. Don't avoid the problem. Start planning to become current again.