Easy Ways to End this Common & Embarrassing Odor

Bad breath, also called halitosis, can cause personal, social, and even career and relationship problems if it's not taken care of. And even if one's bad breath is not severe, the ability to limit the amount of morning breath is possible - if you know the right things to do. Bad breath may be due to a number of factors including poor dental hygiene, bacteria in the mouth, gum disease, severe tartar buildup, tooth decay, smoking, and even internal body issues such as diabetes or liver problems. It's ultimately due to bacteria that live within the area of the tongue and throat that can produce sulfur compounds which combine with protein to cause bad breath. Oftentimes it is a dry mouth that creates an environment where bad breath can flourish - as bacteria often hides within the crevices of the tongue or deep within the throat. Additionally, plaque on the tongue can cause bad breath. To eliminate bad breath, it is important to practice good overall dental hygiene. Of course, brushing is critical - but miny brush for too short a time period of less than a minute. To really get at the bacteria which cause odor, 2-3 minutes is appropriate. Additionally, flossing gets at the bacteria your toothbrush cannot. While many find flossing a difficult habit to maintain, it is the equivalent of only washing part of your body when you shower. Incorporating your flossing into your shower routine can be an easy way to get your flossing done. Mouthwashes do reduce bad breath, but only certain types - those with chlorine dioxide. Mouthwashes with a higher percentage of alcohol can contribute to bad breath formation due to their high alcohol content which tends to dry out the mouth. Finally, consider a tongue scraper or tongue cleaner to remove the layer of mucus and proteins from your tongue and freshen your breath. A short-term substitute for this would be brushing your tongue on a consistent basis. Using proper dental hygiene is all most people need to reduce their bad breath - your dentist can offer additional professional support to overcoming this issue.