Caring for children with cerebral palsy

There are no definite guidelines as to the cause of cerebral palsy. Damage to the brain of an unborn child can certainly lead to cerebral palsy at birth and prematurely born babies are most at risk of getting this disease. Children who need help with their breathing for longer than a week are also at greater risk of developing cerebral palsy but often the problems occur before birth and doctors are unsure exactly what the problem is or how it was caused. A pediatric neurologist will usually be the specialist that diagnoses a child as having cerebral palsy and they will be able to offer plenty of advice on the type of cerebral palsy you are dealing with and how to look after your child. It is not always immediately obvious if a child has cerebral palsy and it may only surface when the child is around 18 months old and trying to sit or crawl. Most cases should be diagnosed by the time the child gets any older than this. Cerebral palsy does not ordinarily stop children from attending school and leading normal lives for the main part. Obviously, there will be some activities that they won't be able to take part in. It will take a good level of understanding from staff and students alike to give children with cerebral palsy the extra time they need to speak or get around. A child with cerebral palsy knows what they want to say it just takes a little longer and they should be given the opportunity to finish sentences themselves. There are no tests that can determine whether or not a child has cerebral palsy although doctors will use x-rays and other scans and tests to help determine the extent and severity of the disease. Doctors are very good at diagnosing cerebral palsy and also at explaining what is required to the patient's parents. An Orthopedist can help alleviate some of the problems and may be able to slow down problems that are associated with cerebral palsy. The orthopedist will be able to tell you any physical exercises or other forms of treatment that may be required and your doctor should instantly refer you to an orthopedist for further help.