The Benefits of Chanting

Chanting, or the yoga of sound as it is known, has been used for a zillion years as a means to connect with the divine. If you look for its meaning in one of those spiritually tuned books, you will find that chanting is the "harmonious vocalization of key words, names and phrases that are used in ritual to attune oneself, raise energy and become centered." Chanting is a means of preserving health and well-being. Even medical science has accepted this. Research shows that the use of sound can stabilize heart rate, reduce blood pressure, improve circulation, produce endorphins and aid the process of metabolism. Scientists too have accepted the health benefits of meditation, proof of which was seen as a cover story in Time magazine titled "Meditation works," detailing the scientific research that shows it can profoundly affect the body and actually reshape the brain. Says an expert, "When we chant, it cleanses the mind like water cleanses the body." Mantra helps us relax. A relaxed state of mind is a sign of good mental and physical health. Good for you Body It is rather simple. Chanting is actually the first step to meditation. It focuses on a simple phrase and melody and repeats it over and over. The repetition relaxes the mind, and the body thus becomes ready to meditate. Good for your Mind Psychologists, too, believe that chanting or meditating enhances a sense of well-being and helps the mind focus on a particular thought, which results in lowering stress levels. Chanting has a considerable effect on the mental health of a person as it helps in cutting down stress and gives rise to a feel good factor. But how much one actually benefits depends largely on one's own belief in this. A word of caution though: Chanting should be done with proper pronunciation at the specified time with reverence and alertness. A definite mantra has a definite sound and vibration which has a definite effect on particular parts of the body. Art of the Matter: Chant along as a form of meditation: Chant a personal prayer and you will find yourself transported to another realm. It will activate your body's natural healing processes. To prepare a chanting space, light incense, a candle, or oil lamp. Place flowers before your favorite sacred object or in a vase before you, and then chant along with a CD. For yoga or exercise: Use chants to practice yoga or movement-type meditations such as Tai Chi or Chi Gong. You may also use the music. When you exercise; the chanting will facilitate movement and flow. The music will stimulate and emotional component that will enhance your yoga/exercise. So now go ahead, chant and be happy.