Your Window Washing Business Needs A Golden Image In Order To Reach Maximum Success!

In the window washing business, it takes a lot more than knowing how to wash a window in order to be successful. I'm sure you've heard the expression "You get one chance to make a first impression. Make it a good one". So we're going to talk today about how to create a powerful impression designed to turn your window washing prospects into a boatload of repeat customers.

There was a headline recently in the USA Today that said "Image is everything". They hit the nail right on the head. Yes...a top caliber image is extremely important for your window washing business.

A good example of "a golden image" vs. "a shoddy image" can best be summed up by a story I write within my manual about this window washer I saw "out and about" one day.

He had this ugly looking beat up truck with smoke billowing out the back. The name "Pete's Window Washing" in tore up white stencils was on the side of the truck. But not only was his vehicle appearance weak, his own personal appearance left something to be desired. Long greasy hair, tattoos, raggedy jeans, etc. A real drab individual backed up with an even sorrier company appearance.

Now let's look at you. You spend a few dollars to properly outfit yourself with a company polo shirt and you're wearing some casual Dockers. You're also driving a fairly clean car or truck with nice looking magnetic signs on the side of the vehicle.

Your appearance is neat and so is your 4 wheel rolling company advertisement. You're already way ahead of the game, but watch what happens next.

You and Pete both show up at the prospect's house to do a window washing estimate. Who do you think your prospect will feel more comfortable with-Pete or you?

I know...I know...simple question. But let's take it one step further. You and Pete proceed to do the estimate. Pete scribbles the amount of his estimate on the back of his business card (like most window washers do).

You, on the other hand, proceed to present a complete estimate package to the prospect. Not just a price, but a complete story about you, your company, your service, some references with phone numbers and then the price. I created just such an estimate package which literally did the "selling" for me (it's included within my system).

It's decision time for your prospect. But is it really a decision? Who do you think your prospect will pick to do their windows? You! It's an absolute no-brainer.

This is why if you focus on creating an all around golden image, you'll rarely feel the heat from competition.

This is ESPECIALLY important in the residential window washing business. You're in some beautiful homes. Your prospect needs to feel very comfortable with you if they're going to let you into their castle.

There are so many benefits to creating a top caliber image. First and foremost is you'll get more jobs. But you'll also be able to charge more (people pay for peace of mind), you'll get many, many referrals, and you'll be invited back for repeat services because the trust factor your customer will feel towards you will be very high.

The bottom line here is to simply look like a professional. Even if you're brand new to the window cleaning business, you can still "fake it 'til you make it". Any dollars you use to create a professional image will be multiplied back to you in the form of a lot more business coming your way.

I see window washers out in the field all the time who "don't get it". And they wonder why they're struggling for customers every week. It's very simple really...don't look like a window washer. Look like a professional who owns a window washing company. Big difference.

If you approach your window washing business this way, you'll be able to literally bury the competition and create a never ending supply of customers who come back to you for years and years and years.

So work on that image and happy cleaning!

Best Wishes,

EzineArticles Expert Author Steve Wright

Steve Wright is the author of How to Start Your Own Residential Window Washing Business, and is responsible for starting hundreds of individuals on the path to financial freedom by owning their own window washing business. Mr. Wright has also developed a revolutionary online web-based system called The Customer Factor to assist all window washing business owners in maintaining and growing a successful business. Using both of these resources provides the one-two punch needed to catapult anyone from zero to six figures per year in the window washing business. For more information, give Mr. Wright a call at 256-546-2446 or visit either of the websites posted.