Children, ADHD, and School: Be a Great Advocate

In order for your ADHD affected child to perform better in school, it is important for parents to be able to advocate for them with teachers, administrators, and even the school system itself. In order to be a better voice for your child, it is important for parents to understand Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, its effects on your child, and what interventions work best inside and outside the home.

First, it is important that you communicate the ADHD diagnosis with your child's school. You need to tell teachers and administrators what interventions have been prescribed, also. If you have been working on behavior modification with your child, then you know what interventions work best when symptoms appear. If you communicate these techniques with educators, then they will be better prepared to work with your child in the classroom.

Second, you should watch your child to see if he or she is learning at an appropriate pace. Know who to contact if you feel that your child is not learning in school. You should know that with an ADHD diagnosis, your child is eligible for special education services. The school must evaluate your child and determine and Individualized Educational Program, or IEP, for your child. The school must also review your child's progress periodically and provide support to your child in the educational setting.

If your child has not been diagnosed yet, but you feel that ADHD may be the reason for him or her not learning, then you should find out who to contact to have your child evaluated. By determining what is causing the lack of learning, you will be able to help your child get access to much needed services.

It is important, as a parent of a child with or suspected of having ADHD, that you know what ADHD is and the effects that it has on your child. You should also know important policies and laws in your state and district. In order for your ADHD child to get the best education, it is important for you to be an advocate and a voice for your child's needs.

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